'futurum erat hesterno die'
The Future Was Yesterday
Oh, the irony of that misunderstood reality!
That which we will perceive next: it flows directly from that which we have already consumed.
To quote the Rebel Bard - "In defiance of the Teachings of the Church, I am here to articulate the painful truth to you, that horror which we all refused to hear back when we could have changed our course - The Blood we let loose shall forever stain our hands, hearts, and souls! We warriors of the Black Cathedral, we Murderers and Anointed Assassins, We will NOT be granted forgiveness freely. We shall NOT receive the Gift of Redemption that was assured to us in exchange for our Wet-work in Service to the Church. Our Doom is Final. There is no escaping our dark fate. There are no terms to be negotiated! Promising to be good and righteous in the aftermath of our Deadly Services Rendered, this means absolutely nothing in the face of our accumulated Sins. These false assertions made to us by Recruiters were uttered by manipulated manipulators. We have been caught and caged by a web of deception engineered to control our actions, tricked and manipulated by our Handlers, deceived by the delusion that we might be able to earn our way back into the good graces of the society we betrayed. They calmly assured us that we could repay the cost of the damage caused by our blades and bullets by taking yet more lives. Oh, the irony of that duplicity. One hundred lives of evildoers, they said that was the price of redemption, blood paid for in blood. One hundred lives of those they deemed unredeemable, for each innocent life we had previously taken. That seemed fair. That seemed reasonable. That seemed righteous. But nothing is ever what it seems to be with the Black Cathedral. [[REDACTED ]] That's how we get whole again and that's our work, from now until as long as it takes."
― Master Assassin ~ William Bardly Willington III, 'Confessions of The Holly Hitman; the Fables, Promises, and Lies Told To Us by the Handlers of our Tradecraft', Vol. 42: Killers in The Land of Forgotten Innocence ]
zero hour
Acción"Set in an experimental sci-fi comic book action adventure literary world-building project universe of multi-book series nested within other book series, 'The Zeppoverse' may be a bit disorienting to navigate at first... but you kind get used to it...