Restoration Source: audio recording Transcription
from Mr. Zeppo's personal archive.
[original audio status: N/A, presumed destroyed]Original Audio Recording Date (as stated in transcription): 6/25/*[redacted]*13Restoration Date: 4/11/2016[4 minutes and 17 seconds of dead air, silence, occasional unidentified sounds.]
[sounds: chair, presumably wooden, being moved and sat in.]
[approaching recording device with a sigh]
The eternal questions..."What the bloody hell is going on here?"
"Why am I... You...We... here?"
And my favorite ...
"Does anyone really know what they are doing??"
Categorically, and unequivocally... No.
Forgive me, if that "offends you", but you may not be the type of person who realizes that most offense is taken, not given.
I assure you, that despite whatever your personal beliefs, what ever allegiances you have to ideas and theories or systems in this world we all live in;NO ONE REALLY KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.
Trust in its honesty, the truth of that statement.
You know, deep down... whatever skills or success you have or have not achieved in you life,
you... have.... no idea...WTF all of this BS is?!?!?! don't you? DON'T YOU?
just breath and let that sink in.
accept it. It's real. A fact... the sun is the sun, hot and alive (in it's own way) and sending us the energy we rely on for Life itself!!! On all levels and dimensions, we can't live without the sun.This is a fact, like any other.
One which we ignore!!!
A fact of the universe. One which we have been conditioned to immediately push away in our minds by calling it a [LABEL] and telling each other that it is bad, un-real, impossible.
We are all a little bit mad because of it. Each and every single last one of us, you and them, we. Us.
Just a wee bit batshit crazy. Crazy enough to believe in the impossible. Mad enough to carry on with the Daily Grind, trusting in the system, the markets, the corporations... even as they enslave us. I am not the first to say this. You have been warned by many clear thinkers for generations.To pay homage and quote the prophetic words of the great and visionary Aldus Huxely-
"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do now even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal, in in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. Those millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted."That society is here, now. You are living in it. But are you questioning it? Or are you simply grinding along?
We all should ponder these, and many other universal questions that seem historically common to the human experience. Many of us do... and yet the answers continue to elude us. In fact, we keep asking more and more questions... and pretending that somewhere deep in there the answer was already sorted out by some great human thinker of long ago; and the rest of us can just live on with trust in the idea that it's been sorted and we aren't on the hook personally in ANY way for sorting it out ourselves.
There is a time approaching us.
A moment just like the present, just like now is now. Always now, this one singular eternal moment living in between the convergence of past and future.
A moment is approaching. This moment, it is... on the verge. I don't mean to say that it is "in the future", for there really isn't a future. I don't mean to say that it's anything other than this eternal moment.
[muffled and spoken away from recording device, lower volume] ehhh... You humans with your finite language, drives me crazy sometimes!
[a sneeze, pause, sharp intake of breath... then a cough; followed sharply by another sneeze]
[he clears his throat, and mutters....] that one hurt[returning to the microphone]But I digress... There is a moment on the verge of happening that I'm going to call the Zero Hour.
Explaining it is challenging. You will come to understand what it is going to mean for you, and for all of humanity.
The simplest way of explaining is
[silence... then static. recording ends]
[/end transcription.]

zero hour
Action"Set in an experimental sci-fi comic book action adventure literary world-building project universe of multi-book series nested within other book series, 'The Zeppoverse' may be a bit disorienting to navigate at first... but you kind get used to it...