we can not fight for peace

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Restoration Source: Hard Copy Printed Materials
Original Writing Date: 01/07/1997
Original Print Date: Unknown
Restoration Date: 4/16/2016

Ever wonder why politicians are always telling us that we gotta "fight for our freedom"?

Politicians here, and most everywhere in the world, are always preaching that we have to fight.

Ask yourself- Who are we fighting???

They want us to fight ourselves!!!!

There is no one else here. We are all one humanity. Since WWII they have been neuro-linguisticaly programing us. They have been BRAINWASHING us to be divided, distracted, angry, armed, and willing to kill each other over our differences instead of solving our problems.

But why?

So that the PROFITEERS can keep PROFITEERING. Simple as that. They need us to remain stupid and arguing and fighting so that they can keep raking in the profit at the expense of our well being.

If we got smart and stopped fighting, and started LOVING each other and being compassionate towards each other and actually transcending our egos, they would not be able to keep PROFITEERING on the perpetual wars they keep sending us off to fight

Any time that serious issues hit the world stage, and are fodder for public comment, there always comes a point when there is some talk of "ending Hate", some public discourse about the feasibility of stopping the conflicts we keep starting... and the inevitable endorsement of the public assumption that peace is fragile and generally unsustainable. They always find some cleaver logic for assuring you that PEACE is obviously impossible. There is too much evil in the world for peace to be sustained, they say over and over and over again.

But where is this evil really?

Any time something terrible happens in the world... all the media platforms buzzed with talk about the hate. And then they tell us that we as a society are having a "national conversation" about what could be done in the face of individual and organized hate. The media presents hate as a social force. Hate as a force of nature.

Lies. Pure manipulation. We have been brainwashed, good and hard. Not just in our lifetime... For generations and generations. Hate is not some force of nature that we must accept as inevitable.

You must understand this- haters only hate because no one showed them how to love. How to heal themselves through the act of loving others. How to heal others by the act of teaching them how to love. All they know is self preservation. They have been advertised to about love, they have had love described to them, promised to them, sold to them, but not properly shown. Sheeple are only sheeple because no one taught them how to love boldly and bravely and selflessly. They were nurtured only just enough to know how to love selfishly, in safety and security. They love what is theirs and what keeps them feeling calm. They love their families, their friends, their stuff. They love their passions. But strangers freak them out, new ideas seem too odd to them. Change is frightening because they never practiced changing. And trust- change is something that we must practice to get the hang of.

It is no accident my dear readers! This is how the system wants us to be. The very core of our cultural pillars are rotten with mind control. Fundamental constructs of our society are in fact- ideological control systems. Fear, distrust, hate, phobia... all programed into us by our own families because they had been brainwashed by thiers, and so had their families before them. We have been brainwashed so hard, that to hear a person speak a truth from outside the little box we've been mentally enslaved in sounds like madness to most of us.

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