Restoration Source: Hand Written Materials
Original Writing Date: Unknown
Restoration Date: 4/09/2016--------------------------------
4:19 in the morning...
I had been dreaming...
"You dreamed what?" she asked... with that tone of hers that just does not let me know if she's simply not aware of the way shes just said that wrong, or she's kidding with me.
that looks she gets always turns me on a little bit."You dreamt what?" I corrected her.
Blank stare... And then a guilty look. "I asked you first! Tell me what you dreamED!"
She had to be doing that on purpose.
"Dreamt" I retorted, taking my time... really savoring it."What ever!" leaning in to kiss me.
I needed toothpaste in my mouth.
She didn't care. Admirable of her...but that's neither here, nor there.
in the dream...
I was sitting a small clearing, perhaps at a campground, maybe on a school campus.It was dusk, and a motley crew of people, all of them rather hippie like, started to gather around. They all seemed to know each other casually, some better than others. They were an even mix of people older than me mid 40s to late 60s, and people younger than me, mid teens to late 20s. they gathered in a loose circle, welcoming me into their circle. There was a strange game going round, something about tossing stones, or actually large marbles, in pairs attached by twine, towards different members of the circle and scoring points by being the closest to land to a marker stone or marble without touching it. As the game progressed, the conversation around the circle seemed to narrow down onto the topic of 'The Secret'.
I listened as the younger members of the group engaged in the classic debate over the validity of 'The Secret', while the older members of the group just seemed to laugh, not really touching the subject. As the debate wound back and forth reaching the inevitable stand off of yes verse no, one upstart called out that the whole thing was BS. That's when my character in the dream finally spoke up and declared that the he knew the secret behind The Secret.
As it often is in dreams, I watched myself get up to address the younger members of the crowd, who had abandoned the game and gathered in one spot as they debated weather or not the Secret really worked.
"Do you want to know the secret behind the Secret?" I asked them.
They all fell silent and looked at me, I was the one stranger in the their group. Even the older members seemed to take an interest in the debate now.
"The secret is that it isn't a secret at all. It's real, but it doesn't work the way they describe in all those books and videos they sell. The way it does work is simple and isn't a secret at all.
The universe is a relativistic place, in which negative and positive forces are constantly moving back and forth between two extremes, entropy and congruence, ying and yang, if you like. Each of us can generate either positive energy or negative energy, but that is not the end of the line. Energy becomes action and actions beget consequences, in turn those consequences generate energies, action and further consequences through others. This is the part they do not tell you in the books and videos they sold you. It is your actions and the consequences they create that are the vital living events of life.
It does no one any good to sit at home wanting, wishing, longing for good things to happen to them. You have to let go of those empty desires, stand up and generate the positive energy that will be exercised out there in the real world and take positive action towards your goals. The more positive actions you take, the more likely it is that positive consequences will come back to your, but there is only one guarantee and it isn't that all your goals will be achieved, but rather this, if you take no action, nothing will ever happen. And that's the secret, it takes work. But many people out there do not want to hear that. They want things to be handed to them. Which is why the books and the videos sell, because they seem to promise the impossible, they assure the weak and lazy that if they just wish hard enough good things will come...
"But that's pure nonsense!" she interjects, not letting me climax with the retelling of the dream. Telling me with her body language that she doesn't care what happens next, she's got the conversation by the horns now, and needs me to shut my trap and listen.
[End of Hand Written Material]
zero hour
Action"Set in an experimental sci-fi comic book action adventure literary world-building project universe of multi-book series nested within other book series, 'The Zeppoverse' may be a bit disorienting to navigate at first... but you kind get used to it...