"Set in an experimental sci-fi comic book action adventure literary world-building project universe of multi-book series nested within other book series, 'The Zeppoverse' may be a bit disorienting to navigate at first... but you kind get used to it...
The red lights blinking persistently.The countdown had ended, while everyone in the room was still too distracted by the gunfire raging around them to actually notice.
It took a few seconds of the strange, multi-pitched, warbling hum getting exponentially loader as it emanated from the orb, before everyone in the room suddenly realized that the stand-off between them had just now been rendered a moot point, and that the very fabric of reality was about the be unstrung and obliterated.
The frequency wave emitted by the orb seemed to act like a dial on the rate of time's passage, slowing everything down to a near frozen standstill. Bullets hung in mid air, bodies as still as statues. The only thing that seemed to flow at a more normal rate was thought. They could all hear each other's internal monologues suddenly, that is until everyone silenced their inner chatterbox and focused on what was going on around them. The glowing orb's light intensified and expanded to the point of blinding everyone.
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As though all matter around them were simply caught up in the beams of light, and being carried away, the room around them and everything in it, even they themselves, became more and more translucent. Yet they remained. Their minds insisted on continuing to "shout" over the seemingly thunderous roar of the disappearance of the material plane around them. The room, the building,the equipment, even the monstrousness machine itself... all faded away in drifting whips of kalapas shimmering as they drifted away into the cosmos.
They were not dead, they all still perceived themselves as being... somewhere.But everything around them seemed to have dematerialized away, leaving nothing.There was just the dazzling infinite shimmering gold, of the Heart of Light's energy. Beating at the center of the Transformation Engine, the Heart of Light was the only "thing" that remained. It was there, still visible in the normal sense of the word. Still appearing to be materially physically there.The shining light emanating from it seemed to be erasing all other matter away. Anything in its path had been deconstructed in an endless cascade of undoing.
She finally understood why Mack had been so persistent, so dogged, so obsessed.
Mack had always insisted - He MUST be stopped! There is NO OTHER Option.Lana had wrestled with that claim for the majority of her time working on the case with her eccentric senior partner. Trying to understand Macknally's urgency without asking questions that were abover he own pay-grade, Lana had worked up an endless number of rationalizations and theories as to why Mack was so adamant.What had this man done to her?
But here... Now... Witnessing all of this...
Lana, suddenly, understood.This man had done the impossible.He had hijacked causality.Mastered the Forces of Physics.How do you stop a God?How do you NOT try to stop this god that would rip your world apart and destroy everything, if you didn't?
Brit: [thick English Accent] Fucking Catch 22, that is!
Lana: Huh... yeah.
Brit: Fuck-all to be done about it, one way or the other now, though...
Lana: I suppose so.
Mack: Quite right.[pause. the sounds crescendoed and the quality of the light begins to change in an inexplicable way]
Zeppo: Well friends... here we go!
McGee: You've gone and done it.
Zeppo: Indeed. Exciting, isn't it?
Mack: What's going to happen? Is this... the end of the world?
Zeppo: [laughing] Oh no, my darling! Not at all!!! Not by any stretch of the imagination!
Mack- What do you mean?
Lana: How do you know?
Zeppo: [still laughing] How do I explain? [Laughing harder] I've been... through this part... a couple of times!!!
Macknally: What? How?
Zeppo: Don't worry about it... just brace yourselves! This is just the beginning....
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The expansion of light finally makes even hearing thought impossible.They each settle into their own bubble of being nothingness, nothing but the sensation of "self", of being there but no-where... as singularity.....and then...
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...and then, slowly, gradually, just as the white out had escalated, it diminished.
Slowly the world re-assembled itself... rebuilding reality from the plank-scale level, up.
Zeppo had never stopped laughing. This was the first sound any of them heard as they cam into being.
Materializing out of nothingness, being woven into existence in a whole new world, entirely fresh and blank and free of any evidence of human Civilization.Zeppo's laughter echoed... it echoed endlessly around the circumference of an almost entirely empty world.
New beginning indeed.
This was Eden-like... a Blank Slate.
And they were the only living people on its, green, verdant surface.
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