Zeppo's Core Teaching

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"All suffering in this world come from wishing your own happiness, and all happiness in this world comes from wishing the happiness of others."
Shanti Deva

I challenge anyone to try and disprove this axiom.

Any takers?

The room sat silent.

Everyone stoic, deep in contemplation.

Don't you see the pattern? Haven't you noticed that all the lone shooters since Lee Harvey Oswald have been declared Mentally Unstable, and since that same era, funding for Mental Health Services in America have been slashed & cut over and over, AND gun control laws have been relaxed like crazy making it easier and easier for anyone to stockpile guns??? I have telling y'all for over 15 years-


the Gun Industry wants us all living in fear of some inconvenient, or convenient "other" and ready and willing to kill each other so that they can massively increase their profit.

"Belief is the end of thinking."

James Cars

'The religious case against Beliefe'

in the sense that if you believe in something you will do anything to you you can manage to try to protect that belief.

Very few people understand that the word belief originated with a completely different meaning than the way we use it today. I am reminded of Karen Armstrong's conversation on a TV show called Global spirit on link TV... Where she was talking about this I believe it's a topic in one of her more recent books. The word believe in its root mint love not the acceptance of a rationale or conceptual model. When you believe someone it was a form of love that was distinguishable from sexual love. When you have faith in someone it means that you were committed to this person's goals and needs in a tangible way not that you were committed to a concept that they told you. The word didn't change in meeting till much more recently. It wasn't until the late 17th century, which can seem like a really long time away. But the meaning began to shift, and it isn't until near modern times that we call religious people quote believers, as if that's the only thing that they do. Karen Armstrong on that show me to bring an excellent point about this which I'm sort of butchering in my recap of it. I think the salient point to consider, given that it wasn't an accident that the language changed! My proposition is that it was drifting like language normally does then I think that was then picked up by and utilized forcibly by organized religion. Which was in the 17th century the height of the ignorance and the height of its corruption in reference to the original message is given down by whoever the religion's Prophet was. That's me speaking that's my theory

Modern life is controlled and driven by the global Military Industrial Complex of corporations.

The War Industry.

Where is the Peace Industry?

Where are the organized soldiers of spiritual compassion to counter the soldiers of hate and profiteering?

I'm going to make it manifest.

i have looked. for the past 30 years. and i have looked into history.

and i have researched religion.

i have researched Christianity, and Judaism, and Islam, and a huge list of religions most people today have never heard of.

you want to know what they all have in common?

they control their followers with the threat of punishing sin.

and what does the totality of history bear out- trying to control people with fear based systems about being punished for sinning only causes more problems.

here is another FACT, that most "believers" do not realize is a fact-

Jesus, Abraham, Mohamed, etc, they all actually had the same exact core teachings- and those teaching had NOTHING to do with "sin"

all prophets around the world taught Love, they taught inner seeking of PEACE, they taught compassion.

but the institutional systems that co-opted each and every religion have perverted those original messages and changed them into this idea of punishment and sin.

i repeat my assertion to you again-

the only real "sin" is that we as a species are not opening our pineal gland.

and it is no accident that we have failed to do this.

religion, government, and economics all have a vested interest in PROFITEERING on humanity.

these profiteers would no longer be able to profit on us, if we all achieved enlightenment.

thus, they have spent untold billions over uncounted centuries brainwashing us into NOT believing in enlightenment.

i have not arrived at this conclusion lightly. and it is not something random i have come to "believe" in.

this is something i have researched and concluded is THE MOST reasonable explanation of what is actually going on in the world, and has been going on since the time of Jesus and before.

why else do you think Jesus kicked the Money Lenders and Bankers out of the temple in his day?

why else do you think Jesus said- what you do to the least of your brothers, you do to me?

why else would God himself have said- I am the Alpha and the Omega (the first and the last) and everything in between.

enlightenment, opening the third eye, opening the pineal gland, allows humanity to see the unity of divinity and realize that we are all one.

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