In the triple zero zen of it all, the anchor point nexus of causation for this particular action loop-hole of time dilation-induced paradox equation error codes, there is this paused moment of convergence between all those who might consider themselves eminently intertwined and entangled with the key moment of cosmic disruption in question in this particular story tellin narrative of cosmic narration.
A sublimely silent place in which all sounds have [ snuffed out of existence ]
they all sat together there
in an invisible arrangement of minds
Self-Projecting Focal Points
of Meta- Meta-Archetypical Hyper-Conscious
The Cardinal Drivers of this particular set of seemingly inescapable set of circumstances.
Impossible circumstances
With impossible outcomes impacting the meta-multi-meta-verse of realities / realiti3s, all intertwined with everyone else's known reality.
three sets of 3
portals within portals
Entwined within the Minds of Those
who caused the cataclysm's core singularity seed
zero hour
Action"Set in an experimental sci-fi comic book action adventure literary world-building project universe of multi-book series nested within other book series, 'The Zeppoverse' may be a bit disorienting to navigate at first... but you kind get used to it...