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I woke up to the sound of Dawn sneezing, her face looked down at me .. She wasn't her normal self she seemed down, guess I'm not the only one with problems.

"Good morning" She said laying beside me.

"What's wrong" I said sitting up, looking at her.. It's better to talk about problems but not mine I can't really tell anyone my problems because well... It could kill them.

"Greg Hindmarsh is dead!" She said hugging me.

"What?" I said trying to act surprised , once agin I was cleaning up the mess of Raven "But I was with him.. That can't be... I feel terrible, he was drunk so I told him to go home and that's when I ran into Ren"

"Oh Dove , I know but people saw you leaving with him and well ... A P.I is coming to the house" she said pulling away from me... Oh now Raven has really done it! I have never been in trouble like this, when Raven killed in England the watchers cleaned it up.. I need to talk to father.

"Oh god" I said laying back down "Well I better make it clear that I didn't do it!"

Dawn looked at me, she didn't know what to say.

"Dawn don't worry I'm a big girl I can take care of myself" I said sitting back up "Should probably dress like a normal person!"


I looked around the house but I couldn't find Angle anywhere, the dress ...I was wearing one of dawns and it was absolutely hideous but she said it would make a good impression.

I came to the library and well I froze in my tracks because Spike was laying on the couch with a cigarette in his mouth. One leg was on the ground while the other was hanging off the edge of the seat. It looked like he was going to get up but didn't. I had always heard story's about him, he was Evil but had a thing for my mum and even got a soul for her.

"Hey" he said sitting up, as I walked into the room "I'm sorry but what the sod are you wearing?"

"Dawn said it would look good for the interrogation" I said looking down at myself "I don't know why I let her dress me"

"Yeah I heard about that, Raven got you into some trouble!" He said smiling at me, why was he smiling? Did he find this entertaining?.... Actually with the things I have heard he probably did? Wait! How did he know about Raven? Had father told him?

"How do you know about her?" I said walking closer to him, he took his cigarette out of his mouth followed by a puff of smoke.

"You don't remember me?" He said his face was looking down at me, god I'm short! "No you probably wouldn't!"

"No, I don't know" I said telling the truth I had no idea what to say in this situation.

"You look so much like your mother" he said with a smirk on his face, now I really need to know how he knows that!

"How do you know me?" I said forward.

"I looked after you when you were a baby and my psycho ex threw you into the hell hole!" He said his eyes didn't move off me. He seems truthful with seems different from all the others who lie through their teeth to "Keep Me Safe" he looked after me? That means he would of seen a soulless Angel !

"What you were with my father, when he was soulless" I said, wow this is pretty amazing.

"Sure was, only when he was evil he was so much more of a Wanker then now!! Which is saying something" He said smiling down at me, he was harsh but truthful at the same time.

"Dove!" Father said as he came into the room.

"Yes" I said along with spike, why did he say yes Dove isn't his name?

"Can you give spike and I a minute" Father said making him self clear in his words.

I looked at him and left the room, I wonder what information I could get out of Spike I could finally learn about my parents and about me !

I turned to face them again when I was halfway down the hall. Angel was looking disappointed in Spike, I wonder what he did wrong?

"Dove!" Buffy said walking up the stairs. It feels like I have spoken to everyone this morning.

"Yeah!" I said smiling at her.

"The P.I is here" she said looking sympathetic.

What am I going to do? I didn't even get a chance to talk to father about the situation ! I guess I have to fend myself !


Buffy lead me into kitchen where the P.I was sitting, he didn't look the way I expected him to. I thought he was going to look like Sherlock Holmes!

"You must be Dove" He said looking serious, something about him was off putting "Excuse me Miss. Summers but I would like to speak to Dove on my own!"

I looked over at Buffy who was leaning against the door frame.

"You be okay?" she said to me as I sat down.

"Yeah" I said smiling at her, but deep down in side all I wanted to do is hold her hand.

Buffy left the room and I was left face to face with the P.I.

"So Dove got something to say, what did you do to Greg? " He said looking at me intensely "Or should I say what did Raven do to him?"

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