Meeting new friends

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"You ready?" Dawn asked as we got out of the car.

"As ready as I will ever be." I said smiling at her.

"Have a good day!" Xander said as he waved and drove off in the little brown car.

"Okay, we'll go and get your classes from the lady at the office." Dawn said as we walked up the steps to the school, it was huge not to mention how many people where attending this place I guess it has to be pretty big.

"Dawn!" A girl with short black hair came running up to her for a hug.

"Hey Callie," Dawn said as the two girls pulled away from each other. "God it's been so long, how was L.A?"

"Oh it was amazing, it would have been better if you were there." Callie said as she looked me up and down "Who's this? I've been away for two weeks and I come back to see you with a new best friend..."

"Oh sorry, this is Dove my exchange student from England." Dawn said shoving me in front of Callie.

"Nice to meet you." Callie said giving me a big smile; she was defiantly up with the latest fashion she had on a mini skirt with big high heels and a tank top, She's not really the person that I would hang out with because I wear docks and leather not Prada.

"Likewise." I said smiling as Callie looked at the big bulgy necklace I was wearing around my neck. My father gave  it to me the day I met him in England, he said it would help me when I needed it the most. what he really means is that it kills any other vampire besides me into flames if it reflects the sunlight but its broken in that sense any way, its been covered by a protection spell for me, more often used by werewolves in the turning time. It works the same for me when I have my transformation.

"Waw I love that necklace." She said holding the jewel in her hand.

"I know right, I've been eyeing it off all morning. For some reason it seems so familiar." Dawn said looking at it as well.

"Hey girls, what are you doing looking at this girl..." A boy said from behind me but he didn't finish his sentence because Callie gave him a dirty look and snapped at him.     

"Oh shut up ." Callie and Dawn moved away from looking at my necklace and looked at him evilly.                                                                                                              

"Oh now don't be mean," he said looking at me. I was confused I've never been in a situation like this; I've only seen this sort of stuff in teen movies.                                  

"Hey I'm Alex." he said shaking my hand, he was what you define as 'hot'. He was definitely a jock because he had the school jock jacket on, his hair was brown and his eyes were a blue shade color.                                                                                                                                                 

"I'm Dove." I said not really knowing where to look when talking to him.                      

"You're English," he said clearly stating the obvious with my accent. I'm not faking my accent I really do have a English accent but I don't really know why because I grew up in a American hell hole.  

"Aren't you smart!?" Callie said dripping with sarcasm as Alex put his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry Dove I can talk to him like this I'm his girlfriend."           

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