what happend in 1997

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 "Buffy..." Drew said like she was on drugs as she went from side to side to a tune inside her head.

"What about her?" Angelus, the demon, asked looking over at Drew who had stopped dancing and looked into the angelic faced vampire directly in the eyes.

"She's going to have a pretty baby." Drew said walking up to Angelus like a fairy light on her feet. Spike watched them from the courtyard in his wheelchair.

"Is it mine?" Angelus asked in surprise.

"Who's else?" Drew said smiling. "I know what you're thinking Angelus; it's very naughty to take a baby away from its mother." She said in a singy song voice.

"I know but she won't even know that she has one." Angelus said vilely and with a devious smile. "And when she finds out about it, it'll be too late she will die...holding the information of a baby that she didn't give birth to leads to death."

"So what are we going to do about it?" Spike said wheeling himself into the room.

"Since it's my child I won't let it be raised with/as a slayer."


Spike carried Drew out of the room as Buffy and Angelus dallied with swords.

A couple of minutes past and Spike crept back in to retrieve the baby. He carried it with a fast pace in his feet all the way to the car and drove off into the night not looking back.


"Buffy," Angel said as the demon Angelus disappeared from his body leaving only the Angel Buffy loved.

"I love you." Buffy said as she kissed him.

Buffy then plunged the sword into Angels chest before he could mention the baby but it was a good thing he didn't or Buffy would be dead.


"Stupid baby!" Drew spat as she stood at the hell mouth as it opened for only a split second. "You cry too much and Spike pays more attention to you then me."

Drew threw the baby into the hell mouth it then closed again.

She walked off in a little dance like she does everywhere she goes.


In the hell mouth time was different because the baby in just a couple of days in the human world became a seventeen year old girl and in that year she stopped aging. Then she was craving blood. When time for her transformation to commence it was far painless it was quite the opposite she felt more pain then a vampire felt when being seared. This made her the  only slayer half vampire; the strongest vampire and slayer in history.

She only feeds once a mouth on the full moon but when this happen she becomes soulless for one night, becoming the most dangerous vampire ever. She will never die as she is like hard metal that will never break she truly is the immortal of the immortals.


Giles woke up from his desk as the bell rang , he always had this dream every night as every watcher did these days. It was not peculiar for him anymore to dream of Dove and how she came to be. It was more like a initiation. A tear fell down his eye as he knew that Buffy would never know that Dove was her beautiful daughter.


Hope u like

i know its short but i wanted to explain how Dove came to be and what she is.

please comment and vote

xoxo misakisses

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