Welcome to Cleveland

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"Welcome to Cleveland we thank you for flying with our airlines and hope you fly with us again." The pilot said through the big. Was I excited to be in Cleveland? I don't really know. Was I excited for meeting my family for the first time? Yes but I was pretty nervous.

It's funny to think a year ago I was climbing up from the piles of fallen down buildings and rubble, I guess I would do anything to get out of hell so that's why I taught myself to open the closed down hell mouth for a minute for me to pass into the human world. When I came out of the rubble I was walking but It wasn't long until the watchers council found out about me and picked me up. They thought I could be a better slayer and from there they got in touch with a man named Rupert Giles, who is my mothers' watcher, and told him the situation. There's just one problem about this my mother thinks I'm an exchange student from England for her little sister Dawn and that I'm suppose to be Giles's niece. I have no idea why I just don't tell her I'm her daughter there's something the watchers aren't telling me but I'll go along with it for now I guess.

Buffy poV

"Is that her plane?" Dawn asked as she and Willow held up the sign to welcome the exchange student . A distinct blond girl walked through the crowd, when she saw our sign she walked over with her luggage. She was beautiful. She had long, blond hair down to her knees and green eyes. She was curvy and was dressed like a punk. She had tartan skinny jeans with chains on the side and a top saying 'Billy Idol'. Her top reminded me of Spike and how brave he was... Is, i still need to get it in my head he is not dead maybe one day he'll come back to the gang. His work helped all the potentials turn into slayers but they lost their powers the year after. I miss the girls, it was like I wasn't so alone, one good thing is that I don't have to find slayers all over the world anymore, I can take a break... If you can call it that?

"Hey the exchange student looks so much like you, Buff." Xander said quietly as she stood in front of us and smiled. And Xander was right, she did look like me. It was like a spiting image of me. Maybe she was like my doppelganger but she was much prettier then me and shorter.                                                                                                                           

"Dove," Dawn said as she pulled her onto a hug. "It's so nice to meet you at last, this is my sister Buffy and our friends Willow and Xander." Dawn pointed to us as she said our names.

"It's so nice to meet you." She said with a cute English accent; she seemed nice. I think it will be good for Dawn to have a friend in the house that already knows our past as she is Giles niece.

"Giles couldn't be here today he had a meeting about the librarian position at the school that you will be starting with me." Dawn said excitedly.                                                                                                                              

"Yes he told me that on the phone." She said smiling.

"Let me get your bags," Xander said as he grabbed her bags.

  "Oh thank you." She said as she looked over at me, I could have sworn that I saw a tear forming in her eye but I'm sure that it's just the light.

Dove poV

 I think living with my mum is going to be okay. Willow and Xander are living in the same house as well. Xander is pretty funny he made the car drive home entertaining as he told me how he fell in love with Buffy's exchange student who turned out to be a inker mummy.

When we got to the house my mouth dropped open it was so big it could probably touch the sky I hopped out of the car to have a better look and just stood on the lawn in amazement.

"You like it? Xander built it." Dawn said as she looked up at it as well.                                             

"He built it?" I said looking at Xander who had gotten my bags out of the car and was walking into the house.

"Yeah isn't it awesome but whatever you do don't get a crush on him he's to old for us." She said smiling as we walked up the path to the house.

"Trust me he's not my type." I said admiring the garden it had lavenders and roses every where I looked.

"Oh what is your type? Actually don't tell me we will defs have a gossip time after I show you your room."

As we entered the house my mouth dropped open once again, it was amazing it had a courtyard in the middle of the house which you could see through big glass doors it was filled with slayer equipment which was all the essentials of making a good slayer. We walked up the big spiral staircase which led us to a big hallway which leads to the kitchen at the dead end and rooms were on the side.

"This is your room its right next to mine." Dawn said as she opened the door and we stepped in. It was a awesome room it had posters all over the walls of my favorites bands and the bed was a king-sized. Oh how I have heard of king sized beds but never seen one and I had a big TV on my wall. "Giles and I decorated the room for you."                                                                                             

"It's awesome, Thank you so much I never want to leave." I said as I hugged Dawn or should I say my aunt.

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