Bluestone stones

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The room was dark, I could see nothing but a blue glowing light coming from above my head. What happened? Where am I? The biggest thing that crept into my mind was Ren, where was Ren?

I tried to move but realized I had been tied to a solid surface. I couldn't brake my way out! what was this metal made out of?. I moved again and each time I did so a pain ran through my arms, I could feel the blood rushing out of me and slowly it started to drip. The sounds of dropping blood seemed to ring in my ear. I felt my arm heal but the pain would come back if I struggled again. I decided it would probably be good if I just stayed put.

I closed my eyes and waited, I could hear movement from outside the room it was echoing so I assume it was in a hallway. What was going on? who were those men? I guess I wont know until I know who put me in these chains. Only time will tell...

"Is she awake?" A hushed voice came from the hallway.

"I believe so I could hear her struggling" Another hushed voice said confidently.

"Good' The first voice said as his voice became louder "Master she is ready for you!"

"Yes I can hear everything you hear Calpernious" A deep soothing voice exclaimed "Tonight, my visitors we shall see the new dawn of our new world come to life"

Clapps rang from all directions into the room in which I was residing, what was he talking about? What new world?

Light all of a sudden pored into the room, it was blinding to my eyes. What is going on? I looked up at the ceiling a saw that the blue light was a person hanging from the ceiling with a torch in their mouth. The body had been preserved in a sort of wax which mad it look shinny. These people are completely round the bend, this is the sort of things hell has hanging on its ceiling not Cleveland!

I looked at the doors once again and saw a group of people all dressed in white robes fill that side of the room. A tall man with long blonde wavy hair walked up to me and smiled, his face was angelic but the dead body and me being tied up suggested this man was no angel.

"Hello Dove" He said looking deep into my eyes with his piercing blue diamonds.

I shrugged at him , I didn't know what to say. What does one say in these sort of moments?

"Your probably wondering what is going on?" He said smiling at me as he brushed a piece of hair away from my face.

"Well that thought had crossed my mind" I smiled at him back. I looked at the people in the room, all were very beautiful and angelic.

Then my eye caught Callie's, she was here? What was going on? Then my heart broke the person who was holding hands with her was no other the Ren! What was going on?

"Oh you have met my daughter Callie!" The man said looking at Callie who had a sneer in her lip "Oh and Ren, you to got very close if I'm not mistaken... Yes it's a bit of a shame it could never work out between you two but him and Callie are betrothed!"

I help my lip, what was going on? This isn't right, it can't be true. Then again he is a vampire without a soul! That's it he is a vampire without a soul .., how could I let this happen ???? I am so stupid!!!!

I looked at Ren who couldn't even look at me, the dirty bastard !! I trusted him !

"Enough about them, they are but ants in the big picture! You are the chosen one who will help us show the gods up there who banished us to the human land that we are more powerful and stronger then them put together" he explained as we walked to the other side of me , his hand touched a big mirror!

I could see myself in it , I was on a table. I was wearing a long white dress... What the hell was going on ??? This was getting really weird !

"Calpernious the dagger" The man ordered obviously a man named Calpernious. I looked over at the man who was holding a Mojaphe. It hit me Buffy had found one of these last week and didn't know what the demon was ... Could these be our men with horns an wings ? At least Giles will be happy but that's if I ever see him again.

"It's quite funny" the man chuckled as he was handed the dagger in his hand "your mother killed one of my men for ones of these and I bet she didn't even know what it was... Not like that matters now. I have you here let's start this!"

Start what? How did he know Buffy was my mother and what was he planning to do with that blade? Okay I'm getting really annoyed now !!!

"Everyone it is time!!" The man announced as he bowed before continuing to approach me. I watched him get closer and closer to me... Okay what I'm I going to do I can't do anything, if I move I started to bleed and if I don't do anything I will start to bleed.

I looked over at Ren and gave him a disappointing look. I guess I can't trust anyone anymore .

"The power of the blade guide me to the truth" The man said as he walked over to all the people, they started to chant in a tongue I had never heard before.

Then the man looked at me I looked up at his face, what a good looking man , good looking for a loony anyway!

"The power guide me" he shouted as the blade hit my stomach, it started to pierce my skin. The pain was more and more unwelcoming as he dug deeper in "it's working"

All the people had stopped cheering and were looking in the direction of the mirror , I looked over and saw a arm rising from my stomach. I looked back at my self and there was no hand.

"The mirror of truth has spoken" The man yelled again, he pulled the dagger away and watched the mirror.

Soon two arms were holding on to the sides of the table as they pushed the rest of the body up. I screamed in pain, it was like every part of me was being ripped to shreds. I couldn't stop screaming the pain was like nothing I had felt before. Was I dying?

Soon the head was out and it smiled a dangerous look. It was me! No what am I saying? it was Raven. She took the rest of her naked body out of my stomach while her face still kept that horrifying smile.

"No" I screamed, she stood in front of me in the mirror "You can't do this!!"

I kept telling myself it was okay , she is in the mirror but I knew they would have a way to pull her out some way and with that Raven came closer and closer to the glass and stepped right through it! Oh Shit!!!


Want to listen to the buffy's daughter soundtrack ? I think you do, write this link and you will get all of the songs dove references plus a couple of others that I listen to while wrighting this story :D!/playlist/Buffy+s+Daughter/92127204

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