See you tonight

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"See you tonight" Callie said after lunch as I parted ways with the gang.

"Bye" I said smiling, my hand waved to the three as they disappeared around the corner of the hallway.

I started to walk to my next lesson, Math! Math is the worst subject on the planet I had to study it all last year to get up to date but in that year I was taught nothing.

"Dove" Jasmine said as she put her arm around my shoulder "Heading my way"

"If it's math then yes" I said, should it be awkward for me to talk to her? After all she is Lex's girl friend and Lex is Ren's friend.

"Great I shall escort you" She said happily.

"Actually" I said smiling at her "I was going to skip" I couldn't deal with math at a time like this, math is the subject where you can let your mind wonder into a train of thought but a thought train probably isn't the best idea right now, thoughts will lead to the R word, but then again if Jasmine skips with me the R word is bound to come up.

"Wow Only a couple of days here and you are already skipping" Jasmine said winking at me "I was having the same idea mind if I tag along"

"If you want" I said trying to act normal, now thinking of it doesn't skipping get you in to trouble? Oh well it's only one lesson.


"You left last night in a hurry" Jasmine said as we sat down behind the outside girls toilets.

"Yeah" I said trying not to talk about that subject. God why do I fell like this? Is there any reason to?

"Looks to me like you have a thing for Ren" Jasmine said as she put her finger on her chin.

"No" I said quickly before becoming quiet again.

"Hmm... And last night you got upset because Brittany came" Jasmine said as I dug my face into my knees.

"Your so wro..."

"Listen to me" Jasmine said forcefully interrupting me. Her hands touched my shoulders as she started to shake me "Wake up, Ren can't help it if he has a crazy groupie. He really likes you to, what's wrong with you"

I looked at Jasmine as she spoke, when she was finished I got up to my feat.

"You don't understand it would never work, I know what he is" I said crunching my fists up for all I know Jasmine is a vampire to.

"What??" Jasmine said surprised.

"He's a vampire" I said as I started to run away.

I hate this school, there are vampires posing as students and they just have to be so good looking.

Where am I going to go now? I can't go back to class and home is a long way a way. I need to go an slay something that always makes me fell better and now I'm sounding like faith great, I just hope I don't turn out like her.

I can't get effected by this. Tonight I kill those vampires!!! And R will not see it coming.

"Dove come back" Jasmine said running after me but she stopped as she was about to step into direct sunlight.

Well that proves my theory about her and she was so nice, to bad she is going to be dust before the morning.

God this day is so strange!

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