Chapter Seven

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[ Nicole]

I'm so puzzled . Why was Snake in our house? Why did he have to sneak in our house ? What the fuck was on his mind ? He better be luck I know his voice from any were or Ronaeh' would of stomp the life out his ass. I still want answers.

" Snake what the fuck you is doing here " I said shifting my eyes from him to Nae.

" I came here to ask what went down at Dice crib " he said. You can see anger in his eyes .

Ronaeh' and I just stare at him . How the fuck he know we was at Dice crib . For all he know we could of been out shopping.

" How You know we was over there ?" Best friend asked with a slight attitude .

" For one Ronaeh' lose yo attitude fam fo real. Two word around town Dice out to get yall. He want y'all dead or alive. Got around that y'all laughed at him in his face , in his own house. Y'all then fucked up. Do y'all know who y'all dealing with ? He yelled .You can tell that he really did love us and was only trying to help.

" Fuck all that explain why you was in our house ?" I asked folding my arms . That's the big question .

" Cause knowing Dice he watching yall every move and I'm not taking no risk losing y'all . so instead of using my spare key . I climbed through Nae window " he said straing at us. " Shit he kill y'all he gotta kill me. "

Before you knew it me and best friend jump into Snake arms. Although we almost whacked his ass he was still my nigga. His scent hit me hard , I didn't even want to let him go.

" Time to get our gear up then " Ronaeh' said. We knew the right people to call Rugger and Cj.

Snake nodded his head agreeing with Nae. Ronaeh'_ pulled her phone out and called Rugger . She went into the other room . while Snake explained on what he heard .

It was now going on one in the morning. I couldn't keep my eyes open for another minute. Snake already had past out in Nae room . Nae and I was still up seeming and planning our next move. Best friend paced back and forth I already knew she was in a deep thought.

" Best friend let's go to bed im tierd boo " I said. I was tierd but I wasn't going to bed without Nae. I couldn't sleep knowing she was up by her self. She stopped in the middle of the floor and smiled at me.

"Come let's go get in the bed with Snake " She said grabbing by hand . We climb into the bed . Nae was on one side Snake was in the middle I was on the other side. Snake gave both of us a kiss on the forehead.

This may seem creepy but I loved laying beside both if them . I felt safe , I felt like I belong there. I never been so comfortable.

" I Love Y'all " I said snuggling against Snake.

"I Love Y'all To " Both of them said . Snaked pulled us in close to him. " Y'all all that I got for real . I refuse to let anybody take y'all away from me " he said with a serious tone . I couldn't help help but to smile .

I layed there in my thoughts for about another ten minutes. I felt my eyes slowly getting heavier by the second. All I could think about was what tomorrow holds for me and Nae. I had a feeling that shit was about to get real messy.

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