Chapter Forty-One

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[ Ronaeh ]

I haven't been to sleep since we got home . For once I actual sat and gather my train of thoughts well I atleast tried . I couldn't sleep every time I closed my eyes I thought about Noonie. When I thought I thought how she was created . I thought how I'm goin to be the best mother . How I wish a nigga would touch or look at my baby the wrong way . Life with no parole was going to be the result to that situation . I thought about starting a new life with Dice , Noonie and Brielle. I thought about how things will be after all this is over and done with . Well the bullshit that was goin with Swanney . I knew more bullshit was just making its way around the corner . I also thought about my life . Nicole and I life . Could never forget my ryda .

Finally getting out the bed I walked to the kitchen . For the first time walking through our house . I never realize how blessed me and Bestfriend are . Not once would I ever regret meeting her since we partially grow up together . Arriving to the kitchen of course Snake had to be there . I wanted to just turn around and go back to my room but the fuck this was my house . I payed the bills and my name on the lease not his .

Soon as I entered the room there was thick tention . So thick I could cut it straight down the middle . It was to early for this bullshit . I ain't been to sleep , ain't go no dick in how long , and on top of that he just really on the last leg with me . I went into the fridge looking for something to whip up .

" I ain't sleep with you last night Goodmorning " he said putting his feet on the table .

" Goodmorning , Get yo feet off the table " I said calmly

I couldn't go twenty minutes without Snake always tranna argue . Like damn I don't even argue with Dice this much and we a fucking couple . I never saw this side of Snake . Beginning to feel as if there was a problem . If so , that was his business shit he was goin solve that shit his self . I don't care who you are . Shit if you had a problem with me that was your problem not mine .I could give two fucks about who didn't like me . I wasn't out on this earth to be a likable muthafucka to everybody .

" What you doing up so early " he asked lighting his blunt

" I couldn't sleep "

" Well you know I love you and Noonie " he said

" Ok .. Snake don't beat around the bush with me " I said giving him the death stare .

" I want joint custody . I want her majority of the time and you can get every other weekend "

I laughed cause I know he wasn't sitting in my face making demands on what he wants with my daughter . The one I carried for nine months . The one I gave birth to . Maybe it was the weed cause the nigga was tripping .

" No " I simply said

"Why ?" He asked

" Snake you not even her real dad for one . She just got back into our life's . You and nobody else is goin take my child ....MY ONLY CHILD away from me . And for most part you live the same lifestyle I live . Or did you forget ? So what you think you can give her a better life . I think not . Why go through that . You over here all the time . You can pick her when you want . So all that bull shit you talking can walk . For real my dude " I explain

" You can't even protect her . Not once but twice Swanney has came near her . YOUR FUCKING ENEMY has came near YOUR ONLY CHILD . Picked her up and everything . Talked to her who knows what else he did to her . You think that's cool . Maybe she come up fourteen and pregnant or yet prolly even younger but you ain't goin do shit . You ain't even doing shit now but you her mother ok " he shot back

I don't know what he said but whatever he said stroke a nerve .I tried to keep my cool but nah I couldn't . I really just had to look at him and coop that he just said that .How could he ever say some bogus ass shit like that to me .

Before I could even gain focus back me and Snake was on the floor . I was on top of him punching him with all my strength.He didn't hit me back or anything he just simple let me hit him . He rolled over on top on me and pinned my hands down . His nose was bleeding I could of done worse .

"I'm sorry Nae " he said looking into my eyes

I made spit sounds as if I was goin spit on him . Lord knew I wasn't goin spit on Snake that would of been the end of me . He got off me I got up and rushed over to the cabinet . Anything that I grabbed was thrown at him .

" Ronaeh I said I was sorry " he said laughing

" NOO FUCK YOU " I said picking up the skillet off the stove .

" Ok ok damn " he laughed waking towards

Hearing him laugh it's like I was myself again . I didn't wanna kill him anymore . I was still her but that's my brother I couldn't stay mad at him never . I paused for the moment . I wasn't angry any more I was sad . I slid down to the floor and began to cry my eyes out .

" Everything you said was true " I sobbed

I felt like a true punk but everybody has a soft spot . Everybody had to cry sometimes .

Snake walked over to me picking me up putting me onto the counter . He began to wipe my tears away .
" You know you cite when you mad " he said rubbing my shoulder " I didnt mean to say it like that Nae . It's just j want the best for you and Noonie . If I could I would just shoot every last muthafucka up and take yall and runaway . Nicole to . Just to think of him even looking at my daughter pisses me off . So understand that shit don't sit right with me . I'm sorry for what I said " he said grabbing my face " Forgive me ? "

" Yeah I do . You ever say that shit again I will blow your fucking head off your shoulders " I said hugging him

" AWWWWWWWWW!" Yelled Nicole entering the kitchen ." I thought she was goin kill you . You ate them punches tho "

"Damn you wasn't goin help a nigga "

" Hell naw . You know she crazy she not goin fuck around a beat my ass to ." She joked

" She was goin beat my ass to " mocking Bestfriend " Big tv screen forehead having muthafucka ."

" Don't get your ass beat a second time now " she said

It was only goin on eight am and everybody was up that was something that ain't happen that often .

" Lets make some breakfast and catch up on some empire " I suggested

" Yessss Bitchh Yesss ! We ain't saw empire in like forever . I think Jamal goin get it " Bestfriend said

" Hell Nawl My niggga Hakeem goin get it " Snake added

" Fuck what yall talking about Cookie goin take over that bitch " I said

We grabbed some quick snatches out the kitchen before we left out . We discussed our opinion on the way to the living room . I cut on the tv and found the remote . Getting cozy and comfortable between Snake and Nicole . Snake phone went off .

" Aight here I come . " he said standing up " let me run outside real quick "

" Hurry up . Damn " Nicole said pausing the TV .

Since we got bored easily I took some chips and tired to throw them in Bestfriend mouth . I swear we was truly some big ass kids . She tired throwing skittles in my shirt but missed every time .

" What the he doing " I said walking over towards the door

The sound of the gun going off ripped through my ears as if I was right next to the barrel it self . It was like a sudden pressure and dead silence with everything moving in slow motion . I ran to the door , I was so curious on what the noise was I closed the door instead of opening it . I knew what kind of nose it was . I wanted to know who was making the noise . When I finally opened the door I saw Snake there laying in his own pool of blood . My heart just instantly feel out of my body .

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