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~Robins POV~
After I talked to Vance he said he couldn't do it right then so I just let him go.
Whenever he gets like that he just wants to be left alone.
Bruce should be ok probably just left with a bruise but ok I'm all.
I'm heading to Vance's house after I say bye to finn to make sure vance isn't being an idiot, which he acts like half the time but still I gotta be a decent friend.
I've already said bye to finn and Bruce so I start walking to this spot that Vance 'hides' in.
I walk up to a huddle of trees that's outside and walk into them.
"Vance? You good?" I say walking in and seeing him sitting while he messes with a string on his jeans.
"Well I don't know- like I hit him but felt bad and I never feel bad" vance says
"Well he did help you so that might be why" I say as I walk over to him and sit down next to him.
I hear him sigh and put his hands over his face
"Why for once do I actually feel guilt"
"Well you could say-"
"No. You know what happened last time I did" he says
"Alright alright"
I sigh and pull a knife out of my pocket
"Here, go carve him something from wood and I'll give it to him and say it's an apology"
Vance looks at me then smiles
"Thanks dude" he says as he grabs the knife then gets up and looks around for a stick.
I stand up as well and say bye.
I walk out and see matty following close behind Finny, he had music playing from his earbuds so he didn't know.
I walk up and grab his hood and pull him onto the ground
"So, do you not remember when I said fuck with Finn you fuck with me?"
He looks terrified and gets up then runs away, I laugh a little and start to walk to my own house.

~Vance's POV~
After Robin leaves me alone I find a good stick then sit down and start to carve into it.
I'm gonna carve a tree into it since ya know I'm in the trees.
I start to carve the branches into it when I hear somebody start to walk up to the trees.
I stop and point the knife towards the entrance
"Wow holy shit vance" I look and see it's Veronica.
I roll my eyes "what the fuck do you want now?!" I yell as she crosses her arms
"Just some alone time with you" she says getting closer to me
"Ay I don't hit girls but don't." I say pointing the knife at her
She rolls her eyes and pulls down her top as I look away "I'm not gross, leave Veronica"
"Mmm nah" she says sitting next to me and taking the knife
She sits on my lap and I can't move
I won't do anything
"Cmon Vance I know you want to-"
I shove her and stand up
"I said don't touch me-" is all I can get out before she screams
"Help me! Vance is trying to rape me!"
I take a step back "what?! No I'm not!"
I see 3 people run in and go to her aid and yell I'm a horrible person
I ball my hands up but I run out as fast as I can
I run until I'm outside robins house and bust in.
I see his mom look at me confused then smile
"Hola Vance" she says waving
I wave back and run up to robins room
"Robin!" I yell banging on his door since it's locked
I hear whispering from inside and bang again
He swings open the door and I see him in just boxers and Finny on his bed still scrambling to put on a shirt.
"I- what the fuck" I say
"Did you not read the sign?!"  Robin yells as he grabs a shirt and tugs it over his head
"Whatever I need to talk to you"
"Vance go away I'll talk to you later" he says slamming the door into my face
I hear it lock again and groan
I hear laughing from inside again then what sounds like kissing.
"Fuckin nasty.." I mumble as I walk out of his house.
"I'll just talk to someone else tomorrow" I say as I pull the knife and the stick out from my pocket again.
I look around and see a shady spot under a tree and jog over it.
I sit down under it once I reach it and start to carve into the stick again.
As I'm slowly carving the branches I'm also carving leaves into them.
I hear a small step behind me and whip my head around to see billy
"What do you want Hm?" I say standing up
I'm taller then him surprisingly and I walk up to him and stand in his face
"Uhh do you wanna be friends vance?" He says
"Pfft friends? Really billy" I say crossing my arms
"Well uh" I see him look at the stick
"What's that?"
"None of your damn business" I say putting it in my back pocket
"Well I talked to Robin-"
"Robin? How the hell did you get him to talk to you right now?"
"Uh I asked him while he was walking with Finn?" He says
I roll my eyes, of course he talked with Robin
"Why do you want to be hm?"
"Well your strong-"
"Already no. I don't wanna protect your ass" I say walking back to where I was sitting
"Wait vance I'll have Robin train me and stuff"he begs
"If you do then I might consider it but now? Hell no so go away I'm busy" I say sitting down and starting to carve again
"Ugh" is all I hear and him walking away
I'm almost done carving this actually

 I don't wanna protect your ass" I say walking back to where I was sitting"Wait vance I'll have Robin train me and stuff"he begs"If you do then I might consider it but now? Hell no so go away I'm busy" I say sitting down and starting to carve agai...

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(What he made)

"That's actually not bad" I hear
"Dude how many people are going to keep walking up on me holy shit" I say turning around and seeing Robin
"Wait I though you didn't want to talk to me" I say crossing my arms
"Wellll I was just in a mood and finn was uh 'helping' for say" he says scratching his arm
"Mhm helping sure, with what math?" I say starting to laugh
I also see finn starting to walk outside and come up behind Robin
"Oh hey finn" he says smiling
I look up at him and stand up
"Dude what's on your neck-"
"Oh what the fuck" I say stepping back then hear finn and Robin bursting out laughing
"Dude you could of hidden those" I say
"Eh why? I can just say Donna gave them to me since she knows and doesn't mind" Finn says
"Hold up Donna knows and I didn't?" I say
"That's just so unfair" I say acting hurt

"Sorry we didn't tell you" Robin says
"Nah your fine" I say
"Anyways just tell me next time y'all do shit like that , I don't wanna walk in on that again" I say
"Pfft it was kinda funny tho" finn says
"Dude you were half naked how is that not embarrassing" I say looking at him
"You were the one who didn't read the sign so that's your fault" he says shrugging
"You asshat" I say flipping him off
"Oh you wanna play that?" He says grabbing a stick and throwing it at my head
"Ow, bit-"
"Alright quit it" Robin says rolling his eyes
Honestly finn doesn't bother me anymore so I don't really get 'mad' around him it's more a funny mad then actually I wanna kill you mad.
Robin is just a good person and he doesn't need me to protect him all the damn time since he's actually able to fend for himself which is nice.
"So what did you need?" Robin says looking at me
"Well you know Veronica?" I say
"Ugh that whore? Yea I know her" Robin says rolling his eyes
"Well she called rape on me"
"What?!" Robin yells
"I know I'm confused too because she came onto me but I pushed her off of me even though I don't hit chicks" I say
Robin looks at me
"Vance you know her uncle in Mr Parker right" he says
"Your kidding" I say
Robin shakes his head no
"Fuckkkk" I say
"You fucked up dude" Robin says
"I know I know shut up!" I say
Robin sighs
"Dude your gonna have to tell her dad before she does"
"Why me?! I didn't do it!" I yell
"You still have to just do it tomorrow since it's Monday" Finn says
I groan and hear Robin sigh
"Do you have any evidence that it wasn't you?" He says
I shake my head No and he sighs again
"Well dude your screwed" he says

"Well fuck I have to be tutored again by the kid I punched in the stomach and now I have the principle probably on my ass about raping his kid WHICH I DIDN'T DO but what can I do.

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