♡Chill (sorta)♡

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~Bruces POV~
I'm half asleep when I hear yelling.
I tilt my head up from my desk and it's not from outside the class
"Sorry kids I'll be right back" the teacher says before walking out
I look around and see everyone else just as confused.
I stand up with like 6 other people and go to the small windows in the class and we look into the hall.
Oh for fucks sake it's Vance
I sigh and walk back to my desk
I'm just gonna let him deal with this one
"You said I was fine!" We hear Vance yell as he's being dragged past the room
"I said- if I didn't have to come back down here" we hear another voice say
Then it just turns back to Vance yelling.
Then a loud door slam
Then our teacher walks in fixing his shirt
"Sorry guys"
I roll my eyes
"So what did he do?" A kid says
"Well it's kind of rude for me to say-"
"Say it!" A few kids say at the same time
Our teacher sighs
"Alright, he was just getting angry and supposedly about to fight the kid next to him, even though it was his friend"
I hold back a laugh
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
"That's dumb" the kid says
"I know" I say grinning

After class I walk to the office
"Hey mr Parker, can I talk to Vance?" I say pointing to his normal room
"Oh! Vance is at the police station, he punched our school cop"
I stop
"Your kidding?" I say
"Nope" he says
"Mr Parker- I know he hit the cop but that was his last straw he's gonna go to jail" I say
He can't go there
He's only fucking 17
"Well that's his fault"
I groan and rub my hands over my face
"Well can I talk to our cop?" I say
He nods and points me
I nod and walk into the room to see him writing something with a deep purple bruise forming on his cheek
"So what did he really do?" I say
"Hm?" He says lifting his head up
"Vance" I say
"Oh, I'm not sure but it was my job to take him out of class" he says
"Well that's why he punched you" I say
"I know that, I wasn't the one who called the station" he says
"Wait- then who did?"
"Parker" he says
"I wasn't gonna send that kid there, he just needs help with his anger even if he's violent as hell" he says
I stop
"Can you please convince them not to put him in jail? He can't go" I say
He sighs
"I can't kid-"
"Please! He can't go he just need help like you said"
The cop sighs and stands up
"What's your name?"
"Bruce- Bruce yamada" I say
"I can try but I can't promise anything ok?" He says
"Holy fuck thank you!" I yell as I hug him then realize and let go
"Sorry" I say
He shakes his head "your fine, he's your friend"
Yea 'friend'
I look at him again
"Well just tell them that he's not completely ok" I say
"I know, also" he says
I cock my head
"I'll keep your guys secret" he says smiling
"Wait what-"  heat rushes to my face
"How the hell?-"
"It's obvious" he says waking behind me and grabbing a book
"Don't worry though, I won't tell" he says
"Good" I say
"And- thank you" I say before walking out
I cover my face with a hand as I rush into the bathroom
How did he know?
Did I say it?
I groan and splash water onto my face
Some kid walks out of the stall and goes next to me
I ignore him and continue
As I'm lifting my head up I feel a hand push my head down
Before I can react, my face is shoved into the water.
I pull my head out with all my force and punch whoever the kid was before he ran out
I gasp and cough
"What the fuck" I say before coughing again
I wipe my face off and move my hair
I look around and nobody else is in the bathroom
I sigh and groan again
"Vance I swear to god just be nice to the damn cops" I mumble

~Vance's POV~
I'm sitting in a dim room while my hands are cuffed together then cuffed to the table.
I'm only in here because of that fucking cop.
I'm mumbling to myself when I hear the door open.
I turn my head to it
"What you wanna talk to me again?-"
"Ay it's me from the school" that fucking cop says
I glare at him
"I don't wanna fucking speak to you" I say turning my head away.
He sighs and walks up to me
"Vance- vance right? Your buddy Bruce said that was your name"
Wait bruce?
"Wait wait wait, you talked to Bruce?" I say
"Mhm he asked me to hopefully get you out of jail or time"
"Your the one who got me here! Why do you fucking care?!" I yell
He sits in the chair infront of me
"Vance, I didn't call it in, your principal did alright?" He says
"Bullshit" I say
It's true too because- well I'm not sure but I punched him so
I sit silently
"Nice Bruce you gave me" he says
"Your a pretty hard hitter too" he says
I look up at him
"The hell you tryna get me to do?" I say
He sighs and claps his hands together
"Nothing I just wanna know WHY you hit me in a very specific way"
"So I can help you and your 'friend' Bruce" he says
"He's a friend." I say crossing my arm
He smiles then rolls his eyes
"He told me and don't worry but seriously, tell me" he says
I groan

Around 10 minutes of explaining I finally got my point across.
He was writing the whole time and once I was done he stood up
"Alright Vance, you should be back at school in the next two days" he says smiling
"I don't wanna go back" I say
"Well you need to and that teacher is going to have an explanation on why your- you know, you" he says
"I'm what 'me?'" I say
"No no not like that"
"Mhm sure" I say
He sighs again
"Vance just let me try ok?"
"Fine, but if I end up in it your taking all that backlash from Bruce even if I need to hear it" I say
He looks at me
"Fine" he says before walking out.
After he's gone i lay my head down

Bruce please tell me he's gonna help
I don't wanna ducking be here
I never wanted to be as asshole

I close my eyes

"Your so annoying but so fun"
He says standing over top of me with his belt
Im glaring at him
then a smack to the arms that where over my head
I scream out and he starts to laugh
he laughs louder as I cover my face to hide me crying
"Your crying? Fucking weak"
He lifts his arm and I yell 'please no'
"Fine, just this once" he says as he grabs a chunk of my hair
"Still love your hair" he whispers as I gag

"Vance wake up"
I lift my head up and see it's the cop
"Huh? How long has it been"
"2 hours"
"Anyways, your approved and all they need is proof it's from Ethan"
"Ethan?" I say
"The man that took you"
I stare up at him
I grab the pen and sign my name
"Take it.." I mumble shoving it to him
He stares at me again before grabbing my wrists
"Ay the fuck!-"
He unlocks them,takes the cuffs and let's go
"What..?" I mumble as I pull my hands to me
"I know what happened, we'll not detail but I know what he did to you and that's why I took that job at the school to make sure no other kid did" he says
I feel my eyes go blurry as I wipe them
"So what" I say choking back that memory
He walks back to me and kneels infront of me
"Can I hug you?" He says
I stare at him again as he stays still

I don't know what to do
I want one but
The hell
How do I say it
But I do
What the fuck-

I feel myself pulled into a hug and that's when I realize tears are falling down my face
I stiffen for a second before laying my head on his shoulder
"Im-" I stop
"Im 'sorry' I punched you" I say cringing
He keeps a strong hold on me as I'm not really crying but tears are falling down my face
"I'm not crying"
"It's fine that you are" he says as he lets go
I wipe my face off
"I wasn't crying" I say as I move my hands off my face
"Alright, you weren't" he says lightly smiling
He groans as he stands up
"Just- don't tell anyone that happened" I say looking away
"Secrets safe with me" he says as he grabs the paper I signed a second ago
He walks out as I wipe my face again

"I WASN'T fucking crying"

More on Vance's trauma😭

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