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Trigger warning😕


I was helping setting the table for dinner and chatting with my wife about something dumb that we were going back and forth about a show, nothing serious. I grabbed her and started to tickle her making her laugh and squirm trying to get me to stop but I didn't, I then leaned her against the table and we made-out. That was quickly interrupted by a loud noise coming from upstairs.

"What the fuck was that?" I said

"I don't know"

We heard it again and it sounded like things were being thrown and glass shattering, It was coming from Dean's room I only knew because of the loud music.

"Billie," Cassidy tried to pull me back but I marched my ass up there to investigate.

I barged into Dean's room to see him throwing a glass bottle shattering It against the wall, his whole room was torn apart, a lot of things were broken, and he was kind of stumbling off balance like he was drunk or something.

"What the hell happened in here?" I said

"What the fuck does it look like?" He slurred now downing the rest of a beer bottle and threw it against the wall breaking it.

"You're drunk what the fuck is going on?" I shut off his music

"Why the fuck do you care all of a sudden? it's all bullshit everything is bullshit"

"What are you talking about? I care about you Dean"

"You just don't fucking get it," he threw another bottle against the wall

"Then help me understand"

"He's In a fucking coma"

"Who Austin?"

"Yes he was involved in a car accident and now he's in a coma doctors said he might not fucking live"

"Dean I'm sorry"

"No you're not you don't give a shit," he picked up a Hennessy bottle and started to drink it

"Put the bottle down," I walked over to him and took the bottle away from him putting it back on the nightstand

"Fuck off," he tried to fight but I pulled him into a hug

"I do give a shit, you might think I don't but I do, I care Dean and I love you so much okay?"

He broke down in tears

"I wanna die I don't wanna be here I can't do this anymore," he sobbed into my chest and fell right to his knees, at that moment I got extreme déjà vu, like it's happened before, all those memories of me in that car driving it into a tree has flowed through my mind. I couldn't see that happening at all for my son, I had to do something and fast.

"Hey don't talk like that okay? Think positive, have hope that he's going to make it, that you're both gonna make it out of this alive, I just need you to hold on even If it's just a little longer I need you to hold on and stay strong, if you can't do it for me, do it for Austin he needs you okay?"

He nodded but things quickly made a wrong turn for his body because he started to gag, I quickly grabbed a trashcan and he puked in it.

"Let it all out it's okay," I pushed his hair back and rubbed his back

"I'm sorry," he finally says

"Let's get you to bed"

I managed to get him into the bathroom and he let me run him a cold shower since he was going to need it, then I saw it, the cuts all up his arms, I didn't say anything about them, I wanted to but I didn't want to trigger him more he's already under through enough. I finally got him dressed and into the guest bedroom, I mentioned that everything was torn apart, I meant everything even his bed and I wouldn't have enough time to put it back together so I'm just going to make sure he's comfortable in another room.

"Thank you," he said

"Don't mention it aye no more alcohol promise me"

"I promise"

"And we're going to think positive?" I held out my pinky

"Yeah," he attached our pinkies together

"Sweet dreams" I kissed his head and turned off the lights.

I then went back downstairs, by the time everyone was cleaning up after dinner, but I've lost an appetite after witnessing what just happened.

"How'd it go?" Cassidy asked

At this point I couldn't hold it in any longer and broke down in tears while sliding down a wall bringing my hands over my face.

"M-mom," Darcy and Cassidy came over to me

"Let it out It's okay," Cassidy pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into her chest, I was not only upset about my son, I was also having a major ptsd episode...I rarely get those, It's weird because then I wanted to die, but I started having these episodes of me in that car wishing that it'll stop, now it feels like I'm there again like I'm having a nightmare.

"Her medicine it's in the medicine cabinet it has blue tape," she told Darcy

"You're not there Billie you're safe here it's okay"



It was morning time and everything seemed okay, mama was cooking, Dale and I were talking and he kept cracking jokes, the only problem was that both mom and Dean were still in bed, it's a friday they're both usually up especially because mama's making waffles, but they weren't.

"Would you try and get your mom up for breakfast?" Mama asked me


I got up from my seat and headed upstairs to their bedroom, I opened the door to see mom already up and she was staring outside the window, it was raining outside, mom always loved the rain.

"Mama's making waffles this morning your favorite," I said

"C'mere," she held out her arm without facing me, I walked over to her and she wrapped her arm around me.

"I remember you so little, so small so innocent, I used to call you ladybug or pickle"

"I remember pickle," I laughed

then you grew up and I'd figured you grew out of those names but not a lot of you has changed, your smile still brightens up my day, don't ever change," She cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead

"I won't"

"Let's go eat some of mama's waffles"

"You don't have to say that twice"

Any thoughts?

Any predictions?

Any questions?🤔

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