The way there

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Peeta's PoV

I wake up with an IV connected to my upper right arm. But the most of my arm is covered with a bandage, it's still leaking out blood from my arm. It was all such a blurr so I didn't really know why or what happened in the arena. I unplug my IV to go search for Katniss. When I go to stand I see there's only Beetee and me here. I find it weird that there's no peacekeepers guarding us. It was a Capitol plane who picked me up. I go and see a syringe, that could work as a weapon just in case I would need it. I go to the door and I stand a still for a little so I can listen to their conversation.

- I don't know why coin wanted us to take Peeta insted of Katniss, Katniss is the face of the revolution. Atleast she would have been happy for us to take Peeta. Says a voice. I think it's Haymitch.

- Will he co-operate with our plan for Katniss or will he be to broken? I mean he loved Katniss more than she loved him. It was a second voice, it was hard to put my finger on it but I think it was Plutarch's.

- Just don't tell him that until he agrees. I hear Finnick say.

The doors auto open and I go in there. I look at Haymitch and he knows what I'm thinking about.

- Sorry Peeta, They took her and Johanna. Haymitch tells me.

- I thought we agreed and promised to save her. I say back to him.

- We wanted to take her, not only did the Capitol take her first but if we got her and not you she would not be happy. Plutarch tells me.

Well you still promised me! You promised me still. You're a liar! I yell at Haymitch.
   I pull out the syringe and I stab him in his shoulder, Plutarch goes out and he stabs me aswell. I can see Finnick running towards Haymitch to help him but after that I black out.

Katniss PoV

I wake up in a hovercraft and I see that there's probably around 10 peacekeepers here. When they see that I'm awake they put a syringe in my arm and I black out again. The next day I wake up and smell a special smell, blood and roses. Snow. 

- Hello there my dear miss Everdeen. The one that ruined my Hunger Games, the one that started the spark, the rebellion. He says to me.

- Wait, rebellion? Where is Peeta?! I ask while yelling.

- Unfortantly the rebels got to him first. We only got you and Johanna, they got Finnick, Beetee and Peeta. We let Enobaria go as she had nothing to do with your little rebellion. He says with a snarky voice.

- Wait what rebel plan, I had no idea what happened. I was forced to be apart of that alliance by Haymitch, me and Peeta had no idea what was going on! I scream back at him.

- My dear miss Everdeen, I thought we agreed never to lie to eachother. He says and then leaves

I feel something burning, I've just been whipped, it hurt even more than the day I tried protecting Gale from his public whipping. Now i realized why, it was because there were two people whipping me. I black out after probably thirty whips. The pain was unbearable and I just wanted it to be over. I wake up in a cell and next to me in a different cell I see Johanna and also a ginger girl is in another cell, that must be Annie Finnick's love. I've been bleeding after my whipping session. I take a finger and dip it in my blood. I start to write the days. It has only been one day of my torture so I just write it as a line. Afterwards I write " I love you Peeta" Just in case I die and they try to rescue me, of course not, why would they rescue a broken girl. I'm just a Mockingjay with a broken wing at this point. I start drawing the Meadow and my favorite memories with Peeta. I'm not as a good painter as Peeta but if he sees this I guess he could figure out the memories. I black out from all the blood because it freaks me out. I wake up and feel a hand around my shoulder, it's Annie's hand. 

- Don't worry Katniss, everything well be alright. Annie tells me

- I got what I wanted atleast. Peeta is safe, I might not be but all I care about is him. I tell her back and I start crying into my lap because I miss him so much. 

I cry like I'm a waterfall it could literally flood my entire cell at this point. I must be contagious because not long after I started crying Annie started crying. After that I sleep, but I know the nightmares are on the other end.



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