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Peeta's PoV

I wake up and I see that Prim is sitting next to me. 

- Hello Prim, are we home? I ask 

- I'm sorry Peeta. There is no district twelve, the Capitol bombed it. But almost a thousand people made it out because of Gale. He knew it was coming and warned us. But unfortuantly your family didn't trust him so they didn't make it. She says and looks down like it was her fault.

- Well atleast you made it Prim, where's your mother?  I ask her.

- She didn't make it, she was to focused on helping others she didn't have time to get out of there aswell. She tells me as she starts crying.

- Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. How many days were I out for? I ask her as if she would know. To my suprise she actually knew.

- It's been around four days. I was told to sit next to you because they knew you would wake up today. You will be discharged around lunchtime today. She told me. 

She walks out of my room and I'm just waiting for lunchtime, whilst that happens I think of Katniss, the pain she is in probably and all of our good memories. When we were in the cave in our first games. That was probably my favourite because that's where were our first kiss were. Time passes by quickly thinking about her. She is my true love and I can't even process the pain that she might be in. I see a tall black man walking into my room and on a namepad it says his name is Boggs.

- I'm cournal Boggs and I will be taking you to command. Our president wants to talk to you. Boggs tells me. 

- What president? I ask.

- President Coin. She is the leader of the rebellion. He says back to me.

I nod and we walk out of her and towards comman, wherever command is. I have not a single clue of this layout. I only know the layout of the hospital room I was in. Then I wonder about what Boggs said. "She is the leader of the rebellion" He said. I thought Katniss was the leader of this rebellion. She was atleast the mockinjay or that's what I heard people say. When we get to command and we go inside I see Plutarch and a woman i suspect is Coin.

- Hello there Peeta Mellark. I am president Coin. It's nice to see you back on your feet. We will need you for this rebellion. She tells me.

- You were the only one wanting to save me over Katniss. Why me? Katniss was the one starting the spark, the one to start the rebellion. Shouldn't she be here. I say back.

- Katniss always brings Chaos wherever she goes. We do not need chaos here. We need order and stability. You bring a lot to the table and we need you. People will listen to you. We need you to take on what Katniss started. We need you to be the Jabberjay to Katniss Mockingjay. She tells me.

- I can't be the Jabberjay without the Mockingjay. I tell her and I walk out after it.

Actually I wasn't really walking I was kinda running. I hear Boggs run after me.

- Wait Peeta. I have your compartment number and keycard. Boggs tells me.

- Okay give me them! I yell and run towards him. I pick up my number and card. My number is 461, next to me is Prim and Gales room and Gales family in the other one. It's nice that Gale is taking care of Prim. But I know he wont like me there, especially after me being taken by 13 but Katniss by the Capitol. I agree with him even! It's almost dinner time and me, Prim and Gale go together to get some dinner, even though I'm not very hungry. I sat myself down and waited whilst Gale and Prim took dinner. Prim knew I needed to eat so she took a plate for me. I just stuck my vegetables with my fork instead of eating it. The Televisions start to make sound. It's the Capitol's TV. It's about to show something. Probably nothing interesting. Ceaser Flickerman pops up on the TV.

- A big welcome to all of you in Panem. Today I have a very special guest with me which will tell us about what really happened in the quarter quell. We all have very many questions and I will try to ask as many as possible. How are you Katniss? Ceasar says.

- I'm good how are you feeling Ceasar. Katniss says and puts on a smile, it doesn't even look fake. It's her actual beautiful smile that I love.

- I'm good, thank you for asking. So now Katniss, why did you fire the arrow at the force field? He asks her. 

- I saw that was what Beetee was trying to do. Beetee was electrocuted before he could finish it. It looked like he could have used the idea to blow out the force field. I did it because I thought Peeta would have been able to escape or something. I never wanted this rebellion, I just wanted to save Peeta and keep my sister alive. Katniss says.

It sounded like something she would say. I don't think she has a script to follow. She looks like she haven't fed her since she got there. Her bones are showing everywhere.

- Well many people believe that you and Peeta and the other tributes in your alliance was apart of a rebel plan. Ceasar says.

- I don't know what the others knew about the rebel plan but I can tell you Ceasar me and Peeta had no idea what was going on. We were forced into that alliance by Haymitch our mentor. We really had no idea, I never even knew district thirteen was still alive until Snow told me that Peeta was there. She says. I feel bad for her. But she doesn't look hurt at all. 

- I believe you Katniss, thank you for answering those questions. I just have one last question for you. What do you think about this war? He asks her as if she would be on their side.

- Yes, I never wanted this rebellion, so everybody who is now or going to rebel I need you to stop. Our numbers are already low and now this war could cause our eradication. We need to stop this war, we lived in peace and in harmony before this rebellion. Everything was working fine until this. Everyone needs to lay down there weapons and their anger against the Capitol. We need things to be back to normal. She says.

- Are you asking for a cease-fire? Ceasar asks her.

- Yes I am, we need this war to stop. Nobody can overthrow the Capitol and we don't need to. She says. 

The broadcast cuts out afterwards and everybody in the cafeteria is screaming traitor because of what she said. I run out of there and go to my compartment.



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