Katniss first days

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Katniss PoV

I was standing there. Snow was infront of me with Peeta in one hand and my sister in one. He told me I would have to pick one, I love them both so much so I couldn't choose. He killed them both instead. I cried and screamed.

I woke up full in sweat from the dream, it's nothing that I haven't done before. The nightmares keep coming and going. At this point my nightmares are going to rip me apart before Snow does. About a minute after my nightmare a peacekeeper comes and drags me out. It's now day two and I don't even want to know what they're going to do to me. Yesterday was just a few whips, today I will be having an entire session of different torture. They sat me down in a chair and on the other end he stands, Snow. 

- My dear miss Everdeen, I will need you to be our weapon, our weapon to stop this rebellion. You thought the whipping session was bad but that was just the beginning. If you wont do this interview in our favour we will make you almost dead but everytime you're on the edge of dying we will save you, leaving you in forever pain and scars. Snow says

- I'll do whatever you need me to do. Just don't give me a script because if you want it to sound like it's from me it actually has to be from me. I'm not good at reading scripts and making them feel real. I say back to him. 

- That works for me, and remember you and Peeta are in love. But still make the rebels stop. You will be having the interview in around three days. We wont torture you until that time because we will need you to look good for the interview. Snow tells me.

- Can you give me a pencil so I can keep track of the days? I ask while trembling afraid to her the answer. 

- Give her a pen. Snow says.

- Thank you, I will do my best to try to stop this rebellion. I say back, I don't want them to stop but I'm to afraid, that's all I've felt since the reaping, afraid.

The peacekeepers drag me back to my cell and throw me back inside, They throw the pen aswell and it almost hit me in my eye. I open it up to see that it's red, almost the same red as my dried blood that is already on the wall. The pen is probably the first nice thing Snow has ever done, probably the last aswell. I draw a line on the wall showing that it has been two days. And on another wall I start drawing more memories. About an hour later Johanna wakes up. 

- Since when did you have a pen? She asks me

- Snow gave it to me, or some peacekeepers threw it almost in my eye if you want the real description. I tell her and put a smile on my face. 

- Since when was Snow nice? She asks back and laughs. I also giggle up abit.

- This was probably the first and the last. I say.

We both giggle until I see peacekeepers going into Johanna's cell and dragging her out. She looks at me in fear and I look back in fear aswell. I was scared of what they were going to do to her. I mean I've been whipped, this is the first time she had woken up after the games. Annie hadn't been tortured yet but just after I thought that some peacekeepers come and take her out of her cell aswell. I'm thinking they will be watching the other one be tortured whilst being tortured. I hear their screams and I keep thinking what they're going through. I black out thinking about their pain, I know I can't even imagine the pain but still. I was hoping I would never wake up. 



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