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Katniss PoV

I wake up after saying the words to Peeta and realize that my throat is swollen so badly I can't even talk. It hurts so bad to breath, it was probably me who did it. 

The doctors that looks hurt rush towards me and puts me in my wheelchair. The restraints are on so hard that my blood can't reach my hands. I go back to the hospital and they treat my throat. It's so badly swollen that I literally want it to be over. After an hour Peeta comes in and he has a smile on his face. I'm guessing good news I write on a whiteboard I got for communication. He nod his head and I write again What is it and a smiley face?. 

- They got Snow. The fight is over Katniss. We won, you might have a chance to kill Snow. Peeta says.

I smile but it hurts, everything just hurts. He's about to walk out of my room but I kick my bed so he looks over at me. On my sign I wrote Stay with me. He comes closer and whispers something to me "Always" he says. 

I fall asleep directly knowing that I'm safe in Peeta's hands. He wouldn't let anything happen to me, or so I think atleast. I jump up at midnight and it wakes him up. I have no energy tonight to hold the mutt off. So I start writing "I'm not in control soon, hold me down to my bed until my grey eyes shows." I write and I can see the panic in his eyes. And he jumps up and kisses my lip which had healed from the bruises I kiss him back passionatly. My eyes close and when they wake up I see that I'm not the one in control of my body. My body is trying to get lose from Peeta's grip but it's very difficult. In my head it's like a maze for me to get to the control room. Once I get there the mutt goes away because it doesn't want to fight me. If it fights the real me it will damage my body. I go through the maze faster than regular because I want to see Peeta again. I finish it and I get into control. My eyes close and they switch back to grey. I stop fighting and he stares into my eyes to make sure they are actually grey. I bring my head to his and kiss him passionatly for ten seconds. I smile and I word out thank you with my mouth. He understands and answers you're welcome. I pat my hand on my bed telling him to get in with me. I lay my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat calms me. Feeling his arm around me makes me feel very safe. I fall asleep in an instant because of him. 

When I wake up he's gone, I guess he had to go and do some business stuff because the war is over at this point. That's when it hits me. Coin will be taking over after Snow and she is as bad as Snow. So my plan is to shoot Snow, then Coin and lastly stab myself with as many arrows as I can before someone stops me. I don't need to live after the war, what then. I hear the mutt me agreeing so I start talking in my head to it. Mutt me if you leave me in control I promise to kill Snow, then Coin than us okay. Just don't try to overcome and maybe I can get the chance to kill him because I haven't tried to kill myself in some time. My mutt agrees and I know I will have to lie saying that It went away or atleast for once. The mutt has control over where the poison is, so I say to the mutt wherever they test if I have poison you have to move the poison away or most of it atleast. The mutt agrees and I just lay there waiting for someone to walk in. The first person is Peeta. But also Annie comes in.

- Hey Katniss, how are you feeling today? Annie asks. I show a thumb up as an answer, She doesn't know I can't talk.

- She can't talk, she had an episode and started choking herself. Peeta says to let her know.

I start writing on my board about where is Prim, Johanna and Finnick.

- Johanna and Finnick didn't make it out but Prim is under Coin's watch. Annie says.

I start to panic remembering what Coin would do if I didn't agree, I did agree this time but I didn't preform well. I look at Peeta as if he also heard what Coin said. Maybe he was listening. Because I did hear some movements outside of my cell. My ears have been trained extra ever since the first Hunger Games. 

- Why are you guys looking panicked? Annie asks us.

- She threatened Katniss using Prim so Katniss would agree to be the MockingJay. Katniss did agree but she had the episode during it so I guess Coin wasn't very proud of her. She's probably holding her captive. Peeta says.

I nod and starts to cry thinking that it's my fault. But it's fine because the mutt agreed to my terms. I write on my whiteboard " this is the real me but It's still my fault that she might be in trouble, she doesn't deserve that". I wrote.

- You're not gonna have an episode are you Katniss? Peeta asks me. 

I shake my head and I write something new on my board " After midnight tonight the poison has somehow left my body and the mutt me is gone". I wrote. He smiled knowing that I fought myself out. But actually I just agreed to my mutts terms, even if I love Peeta and he loves me I still don't deserve to live and that's coming from regular me. 

I get put in my wheelchair and taken to the cafeteria where I get some lunch and it hurts badly to chew put I still eat everything on my tray. Coin wants me in command and Peeta takes me there. 

- Hello miss Everdeen, do you think you can accept killing Snow. Coin says. 

I write on my trusty white board a big yes and explaining a bit how the mutt is gone to get some more trust. She nods and I get escorted by some soliders onto a hovercraft, Peeta, Annie and Coin is also on the hovercraft on our way to the Capitol for Snow's assassination. I'm happy to get to do this. When we get this I get a bow and ten minutes to practice a bit. I just needed one shot to hit the middle. I get a basket full off arrows and I chose that I will be rolling my wheelchair. I go out and I see how shocked everyone is by the looks off me. My hair has still not grown back to being any close to the length it was before. I'm in a wheelchair and scares are everywhere on my face and body. I get to the point where I take an arrow and aim it at Snow. I shoot Snow, then I reload my bow very quickly and shoot Coin. She is now also dead. The rest of the arrows I take and start to stab many going into my heart. Peeta rushes over and takes away my basket of arrows. I get escorted out by some guards from 13 knowing that I shot their president. Peeta comes running after me. I scream in pain by all the arrows in my chest. The audience is totally freaking out after all that happened. It looked like noone expected it. Well I hope that I wont make it out of this alive. So many questions will be waiting for me, like " Did you get and episode, why did you shoot Coin, why did you try to kill yourself, why did you lie about the mutt?" All of those questions will be waiting for me. That's all I know. I black out by the unbearable pain and also for all of the blood loss. Also it was just embarrassing to know that everyone was staring at me as I screamed.



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