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Peeta's PoV

I wake up the next day and after just a minute of being awake I hear a knock on my door. 

- It's open! I yell to whoever it is. I see Prim walking in. 

- Hey Peeta, how are you holding up. You stormed out yesterday after everybody called her a traitor. I know how you're feeling, I also wanted to run out of there. But I needed to finish my dinner before. Gale at yours aswell because in this district it's illegal to waste food. So I had to wait for him aswell because I didn't want him to sit alone. Prim says.

- You really are an amazing human being Prim. You keep thinking about others before yourself. You're a fighter just like your sister. I say back to her. 

- She caused a lot of damage. All district except for district eight has stopped rebelling. You might not want to be the JabberJay without the MockingJay but right now the spark that Katniss started is almost fully died out. They need you to help them fight for the rebels. Prim tells me.

- Yeah I know, you're always right Prim. I knew I could count on you. I say back to her.

- She would want you to fight no matter what she said in the interview. She might not have wanted the rebellion but she defiently doesn't want The Hunger Games again. You probably also know what the Capitol will do to her after they won. Prim says.

- No Prim, do you have any idea what they would do to her? I ask her in confusion.

- They would defiently kill her but make it seem like an accident so there wouldn't be any plans to rebel for her death. She says to me.

- That sounds about right. I say back.

Prim leaves after I said that and I get out of bed. I started putting my grey overall on. Everything is just grey here. It's pretty boring and also annoying. I go up to command and asked if I could speak to Coin and Plutarch alone. Everyone nods and goes outside to let me talk to them for a second.

- I will be your Jabberjay. But I have one condition. I say to Coin and Plutarch.

- What is your condition? Coin asks me

- The tributes as in Johanna, Katniss and Annie will be rescue the first possible time. I say.

- We can't risk our own men to save some people. Coin says.

- They deserve to be free! They are going through hell just to survive. I bet some are even thinking about suicide. I say.

- I'll think about it Mr.Mellark, actually I don't. The answer is still no. Coin tells me

- Okay I'll be your JabberJay anyway, I was just hoping that you might would have agreed to those conditions, or I mean to the one condition. I say

- Unfortuantly it's to risky. Coin says.

- Come with me Peeta. I will be taking you to get ready for our first propo. Plutarch say

I nod and follow him to a room. I get a JabberJay suit and a team helps me put it on. I see Katniss MockingJay suit with a bow and some arrows. I don't really have a signature weapon so I don't have any weapon on me. I go into the room and get my line. I do the propo and then wait for the results. It will be played tonight we just need a team to work on it so it looks real. I went to go eat lunch. I see the table where Gale, Haymitch and Prim sits. I take a tray off food and takes a seat next to Haymitch. I look at Gale and see that he has anger in his eyes. The anger is towards me I think. I mean he probably wanted me to be on the other side of the TV. As I keep saying in my head that's what I wanted aswell.

- That should have been you. Gale says with anger in his voice.

- Well you know what Gale, I agree with that statement. I say with an angrier tone than I expected.

He launches himself at me and starts punching me in the face. Everybody in 13 are looking at us. Haymitch pulls Gale back but Gale is younger and stronger. Some guards come and pull him off. I'm scared of my life. I look at Prim and she has fear in her eyes aswell. Gale get's forced out of there and he will probably be locked up for a bit before he is accepted to leave. Until that point I might stay in Prim's compartment instead of mine. I mean she wont be alone and I will be having some company. I've just been all alone drawing for the couple days. We go to an area were they have some games and books. We play a little chess and I can still not process that she beat me. Come on like I have been alive for some years more than hear and she beats me in chess. What the hell is wrong with me. She haven't even played chess once before. I have, I've played it a couple times and still gets beaten by a new player that is younger than me. I wished I could say that I went easy on her but that would make me a liar. We read some books aswell in there. 

Afterwards we went to dinner and it was cucumber, carrots, potatoes and some rabbit. It wasn't the best food I've ever tasted but also not the worst. I ate all of it and it looks like Prim was happy that I was eating again. We sat there and then on the TV my propo was shown. I was pretty proud of it and it looked like everyone else in here was also a bit proud of it and that I stepped up to help the rebels. I look down in embarassment knowing that every single district will be watching this right now. I smiled for a minute until I thought about Katniss again.



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