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Katniss PoV

After the interview I can almost hear the people in the districts screaming the word traitor. I see someone walk in, it was Snow who came in.

- My dear miss Everdeen, that interview was splendid. I hope the people will listen to you. Since you truly are the face of this revolution. Snow tells me.

- Yeah. I say and look down.

- Now we will take you to your first torture session. Snow says to me and looks at some peacekeepers.

- Okay, I don't want to fight anymore. I say as the peacekeepers drag me. 

The peacekeepers take me into a white room with a chair. I get strapped down and they begin the session with some whippings. It's probably around fifty whippings after they're done with the first part of the session. I look around and see that the room is almost fully splashed down with my blood. This time they didn't just hit me on my back. They hit me ten times on each leg and arm and ten times in the face. There's blood all over the floor and my body. After that they taze me as many times and in the same spots as the whippings. It burns and hurts so bad that I scream so much. My body will not be able to heal all of this. They haven't even fed me since I got her. They have given me a singel bottle of water each day and that's about it. After that all of the peacekeepers walks out and the room is filling with water, or it's starting to feel like I'm drowning in my own blood since the water has turned red. Right before I'm about to drown I they take away the water. Leaving me to breath for some seconds before repeating the same process ten times in total. Then Snow comes in. 

- My dear miss Everdeen, that was just the first session. The first session is always the one that hurts the least. Snow tells me.

- Is this what Johanna and Annie went through? I ask Snow.

- No miss Everdeen, they will be having it much easier than you because they aren't as important as you. Snow tells me and smiles. 

- Okay, what do you want from me now? Everytime you're in the same room as me you always want something. What's it this time? I ask Snow.

- Yes Katniss. I want you to not lie this time okay. Snow tells me.

- I already agreed never to lie to you. I tell him and put a smile on my face.

- Did you have no idea about the rebel plan? He asks me.

- No I didn't, I think they never told me because you were watching me. Peeta probably didn't get to know either but I'm not sure. I tell him back.

- I'm not sure about that. Why otherwise would you shoot the force field? Snow asks me.

- I'm sorry but it's going to be the same answer as in the interview. I tell him back.

- I don't believe you my dear miss Everdeen, I wished that I could though. He says back. - Begin the lying session for Katniss. He says to some peacekeepers. 

They come in with a shaver and they start to untie my singel braid. After that they start to shave off all of my hair. It's painful to let them do this, I tried to fight back but everytime I try they punch me on my nose, lip or cheeks. I got bruises everywhere and probably a broken nose. After that they drown me, whip me and lastly they electrocute me. Well I thought that was the last but then they had one more thing. They threw me into electrocuted water. It hurt so bad that I tried to scream but my lungs just started to fill with water. I black out and the last thing I see is some doctors running in and trying to get all the water out of my lungs. Unfortuantly they succeed and I wake up almost immediatly afterwards. I wished I never did. After that some peacekeepers came and dragged me back to my cell. The white floor was very cold and I hoped I could freeze to death. 

- What did they do to you Katniss, You've been gone for hours? Annie asks me

- Firstly an interview in favour of the Capitol because my body can't take more pain. Then torture session one. If you think of your session was bad maybe you can get to hear about mine. I tell her and laughs even though it hurts like hell to laugh. 

- Katniss, I got some bread from some peacekeepers. We can split it. Annie tells me.

- No, I don't want food, the more food I eat the faster I heal. I just want to die Annie. I want to be with my father, I don't want to fight anymore. I tell her.

I started to hold my breath in hoping that the peacekeepers wouldn't notice my face turning blue. But one of them do and is running to get a doctor. The last thing I see before my eyes shut is Annie's concerned face. I smile as I think I'm about to die before a doctor comes in and saves me. 

- No please god no, I don't want to live. Just let me die wont you guys be happier. Nobody likes me, nobody wants me here. Just let me go to the land where I can meet my father. I say to the doctor.

- Sorry Katniss, my job is to keep you alive until they want you dead. That will probably be after the war has ended. When the rebellion has died out and Peeta with them. The doctor says to me.

I get stabbed in my arm and I black out. I wake up in a new white room. There are all kinds of tools but the most intresting table of tools is a table filled with syringes of all kind, I think it's the same kind though but with different amount of doses. The first one is orange, the second one is orange-brown, the third is brown, the fourth is brown-black and the last one is black, just fully black. As always Snow has to walk in and talk to me before the session.

- You know that you're the most important person in this rebellion even though you're not there. So what if we makes you hate yourself? Snow asks me

- I don't know if that's possible, cause I already do. I tell him

- Well what if we ruin your's and Peeta's memories instead. He says to me and smiles.

- No please don't touch mine and Peeta's memories, he is all I have left. I tell him 

- Okay we will start to making you hate yourself and then him. Snow tells me before he leaves.



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