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Peeta's PoV

I go to dinner after training all day to become a soldier in the war. I get a larger portion of food since I had to train all day and lost more energy by it. I sat down next to Prim and saw the Capitol symbol pop up. It's about to start.

- A big welcome to all you in Panem. Today we have our very special guest back. Katniss Everdeen. Ceasar says. 

The camera switches to Katniss and you can see how they tried to cover up whatever they did to her. I can see that her nose is broken, a lot of bruises and a bruised lip, she has even starved more. Her face looked burnt and there were scars everywhere in her face.

- Thank you Ceasar. I've been told about the horrible news the rebels have caused. The huge electric dam in district five has been attacked leaving us out of power. I need this to end. But also trains on the railways have been detached. If this wont stop there will be nothing left. I also have a message for you Peeta if you are watching this. First of all I miss you so much and I love you so much. But I know you didn't want to become the JabberJay. The people in the rebel alliance have used you Peeta. Don't trust them, they are only using you for there own good. You will need to step off. Everytime you do a propo it hurts me. It breaks me, it kills people, it hurts people and you need to stop. Katniss says and looks at the camera. 

It was silence and then it looked like something hit Katniss in the head, like a reminder.

- Peeta. Don't worry about me, if I die because of what I do I will travel to my father. So I will say this to you. THE CAPITOL IS COMING AND IS ABOUT TO BOMB YOU AND DISTRICT 13. GET OUT BEFORE YOU DIE PEETA. LIVE FOR ME. STAY WITH ME!!! She screams as peacekeepers come and punch, kick and whip her. They even shock her straight on camera. The camera shuts off but you can still hear her screams. Before the sound turned off you could her two bullets getting shot out of a gun. 

I was scared of where she was shot. Her screams stopped after the shots. I didn't know if they turned the sound of or if they killed her. I teared up hearing her screams. The red code alarm went off. I looked at Prim. We both ran towards the closest staircase and started moving down. We were some of the last people in the staircase. When we were around three quarters off the way down we hear the first bombs. I still hear Katniss screams echoing in my head, it still hurt as much as they did the first time. I think I'm the only one to realize that she might have given her life to save many. But also it sounded like she wanted to die. She said something like " Don't worry about me, when I die I will get to see my father again". That's what she said or that's atleast what I think she said. I wasn't really listening since I was still stunned by how she looked. 

I get into the bunker with Prim. We go to her number on the bed since there are bunkbeds I thought I could lay in the same bed as her. I think that I'm kind of protecting me but I think at this point she is the one protecting me. I laugh at the thought of that. After a few bombs it becomes silent. I guess they ran out of bombs in their hovercrafts. I get called to command or the command that is in the bunker. Boggs takes me there and then Coin sits there. 

Hello Mr Mellark. I need you to do something for me. I need you to tell all in Panem we survived a bombing by the Capitol with no casualties. Coin says.

- I need you to rescue Katniss. She wont last long if she's alive at this point. Even though if she might not be alive Johanna and Annie still deserves to get out of there. I say.

- Yes Peeta. We are planning the rescue right now. We will start asking for volunteers whilst you go out and do the propo. Coin says.

I go with Haymitch and some other people up the stairs. When we get outside I see what lies in the bottom of the hole. It's a bunch of white roses. I knew what that meant. Snow used the roses to hide the scent of blood. That was what Finnick told me atleast. Probably a thousand roses lays here which means they got to be covering up a lot of blood. Fear rushes through my entire body as I realize they could be covering up her hole body as blood. She might be dead because the signs point in that direction. Two gunshots, she was starving, hurt and she warned us about the bombs that were on the way and also the flowers hiding a lot of blood. 

I filmed the propo and it sounded something like this " Hello all of the rebels. I'm Peeta Mellark or the JabberJay if you prefer. We just survived a bombing from the Capitol with no casualties. There would be thousands dead if Katniss didn't warn us. Even if she says to stop rebelling it's the Capitol forcing it. You have to keep going, for free will, for Katniss. I think I said. I can't even remember what I said. My brain is not fully working since seeing the love of my life being tortured and also yelling in pain. She might even be dead as I've said countless of times.

I walk down to command and I see how the volunteer list of people to go rescue the girls is going.

- Were missing one person before we could head off. Coin says.

- I volunteer. I say.

- Okay Mellark, just be careful. You are very important to us so don't do anything foolish. Coin says.

I nod and walk out with the team. Of course Gale was the first one to volunteer because he thinks if he saves her she would love him more than she loves me. We get onto the hovercraft and leaves district 13. 



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