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Peeta's PoV

I'm in pain just watching Katniss being in her pain. I walk towards to command. I had to do another propo talking about Katniss torture and what the Capitol did to her. I wasn't gonna do it alone. Annie was going to be with me since she was also tortured and kinda became one of Katniss best friends in the Capitol. I greet her with a handshake and we both go to get into our clothes and to get ready. I was talking with Annie about Katniss through the walls. We had different changing rooms which I think we both was relieved about. She talked about her torture aswell. Compared to what Katniss talked about it didn't sound as bad but I still knew it hurt like hell.

- Did you hear about Katniss torture? I ask her.

- Yeah I talked to her about it and I asked some peacekeepers. They also told me why they tortured her more. Annie said.

- So what's the reason? I ask.

- They said because she has a more important role in the rebellion. She is the MockingJay even though she was in the Capitol. Annie told me.

- Katniss kinda told me what she thought of herself. She told me that she was a broken MockingJay. She was a MockingJay that couldn't fly, had broken wings. I tell her and start to choke on my own tears. 

We do the propo and we both are in tears in the end talking about her suffering. This got to give  the rebellion a push to fight. Cause they just got to hear what they did to a seventeen or eighteen year old girl. I don't even know when her birthday is. I run towards the hospital wanting to see her. When I get to the reception I ask if I could go see her. She leads me to a room where I go in and see that she was still sleeping, or atleast her eyes were closed. I also see she ate some of the bread. She didn't eat it all but it was atleast the first she had eaten in about eighteen days. The door closes behind me and she wakes up and jumps up in terror

- I'm sorry Peeta. The door sounded like when my cell door closed, it reminded me of my torture. Katniss says in her beautiful voice. I see her beautiful grey eyes and it's if I'm falling in love with her again.

- Don't say sorry Katniss, it's not your fault. It's the Capitol's fault. I see you have eaten some of my bread. What made you eat for once? I ask her.

- I was thinking about the words you told me and I ate as much as I could before I felt I was going to throw up if I ate any more. I say and smile

- So how was it? I ask her nervously.

- It was as good as the first time I ate it. It reminded me about the good old days when my father was alive and I was able to go in and buy stuff instead of looking around in your trash can to find any moldy bread or just old bread I could get to feed my family. My family is basically none existing anymore. Katniss says and starts crying rivers of water.

- It's okay Katniss, shhhh you're okay, it's okay. I say to calm her down.

- NO, it's not okay peeta! I killed my family, my little duck is dead because of me! She yells. She must have forgotten she saw Prim yesterday. 

Her arm that I freed yesterday were looking for something on the desk. She took a syringe of the table and it looked like she was about to stab me, so I jumped back like I was in fear. I was more afraid what she could do to herself with that syringe. That's when she turned her arm around and stabbed herself in her heart again. I press the emergency button and doctors comes rushing in, she screams in pain when they remove the syringe. 

- NO! Let me die, please I'm in pain just let me go. My legs will never recover from the bullets. My hair will never grow out again, I will never be the same as before. Just let me go and nobody will care about it! She screams out whilst screaming in pain. 

Her words cut deep into me. It hurt me so badly seeing her like this.

- I care if you live or die Katniss, I need you! I scream towards her.

- You're too good Peeta, I don't deserve you. Go and find someone you deserve. She says back to me.

- No Katniss, I'm the one not deserving you. I say and after that she passes out. 

The doctors start working on her body. They find it's better to work on her whilst she sleeps or has blacked out. I sit in a chair for hours waiting for her to wake up, I hold her hand all the time but after just three hours of waiting I get called to command. I kiss her bruised lips and leave her all alone in a room full of weapons, but also a room full of doctors. I go to see that Johanna, Finnick and Annie also sits there. I take a seat next to Finnick and Coin begins to speak.

- I want you three to start training. She says to Annie, Finnick and Johanna.

- Well what about me? I ask.

- You need to stay here, you are far to important. We need you to get our MockingJay back to herself and if you don't succeed you will get to kill Snow. Coin says.

- Since when did we decide that Katniss gets to kill Snow? I ask everyone in the room.

- Do you want someone else to kill Snow? She asks back.

- No I just wondered when. I say.

- We decided it when you refused to leave Katniss side when she stuck her needle through her heart for the second time. Now three hours later we came to that and then needed you here. Coin says. 

- May I leave now President Coin? I ask her. 

- Yes you may leave now Mr Mellark. Coin says.

I start running back to the hospital to see that Katniss is awake. She is talking to herself. I stopped outside to secretly listen to what she was saying.

- My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm in love with Peeta, Peeta loves me. I'm from district 12. District 12 was bombed, I'm not the reason, I'm not the reason, I'm not the reason, I'm the reason! I see her panicking so I go inside and reasure her off something.

- No you're not the reason Katniss. The Capitol was the one to bomb it. I say to her.

- Peeta, don't you have anything better to do than be with me. I'm broken as I've said thousands of times. You need to move on. She says to me.

- No, I'm not going to the war. My job is to make you better. I say to her and smile.

- War?! Wait war?! So many lives dead. So many lives dead because of me! I'M THE REASON, I'M THE REASON!!! KILL ME PEETA. IF I DIE I CAN'T HURT ANYONE. END THIS MENTAL SUFFERING. IF YOU LOVE ME KILL ME!! She screams. She starts to hyperventilate and some doctors comes rushing in. They escort me out and her eyes turn black. She is truly broken.



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