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Katniss PoV

The last thing I felt was a gunshot going through my left and right leg. I was back in the room where I was made to hate myself. They succeeded. I hate myself and I think of myself as a mutt. Snow walks in and begins to talk.

- My dear Miss Everdeen. I thought you were on our side. Snow says.

- Just kill me already Snow, you're just dragging it out or fun aren't you. I say back with a mean voice. I get whipped just for my tone I believe.

- They're on their way to get you out of here. Start to stab her with all of the fear and tracker jacker venom syringes and leave them inside of her neck. Then connect them to her cell door so when they open her cell door they will all be released at the same time. Snow tells the doctors. 

They start to stab me and every single syringe hurt. They realease some of them early and show some pictures of Peeta. It all starts to make sense. Peeta teaming with the Career's in the first game to kill me. Peeta trying to kill me hundreds of times and then the Capitol coming to save me. It all makes sense now.

- So Katniss, what do you want to do. Make a list for us. Snow says.

- First I want to kill Peeta, Then I want to commit suicide. That's what I want Snow. I tell him as my eyes turn the darkest dark that ever existed. 

his time they don't drag me to myself. They make me walk on my both shot legs. It hurt so bad but everytime I was to slow or fell down because my legs were to weak they whipped me.They put me in my cell and do as Snow intended, when the rebels will come to rescue me probably ten syringes will be released. I'm still hoping the syringes will kill me. Annie comes up to me and sees me looking awful like this. Whilst they put the syringes in I was going through my entire second session twice in a row. All except for the drowning. 

- Why do you have ten syringes in your neck Katniss? Annie asks me.

- They know the rebels will come to rescue us. The minute they open my cell door all the syringes will be shooting out venom. I hope it's enough to kill me. I say back to her.

- You can't die Katniss, you can't give up now. Were so close to being out of this hell hole. You need to keep fighting. Annie says.

- I still don't want to fight anymore Annie. Don't you get it. I miss my father and if I die I might get see him again. My sister might be dead, my mother might be dead. If they're dead I will be able to see them aswell. Don't you see that I had to walk on my both shot legs. I say

- Wait what! She screams in terror. It was probably the first time she noticed it. - What did you do to make them shoot both off your legs? She asks in a sincere worried voice.

- I warned district 13 about the bombing that was incoming. I was also forced then after the show to walk on them back to my cell. I say.

I black out afterwards by the unbearable pain I've been feeling since the interview. I wake up some seconds later to gas filling my room. I knew it was the rebels. They open my cell door and every single syringe shoots out venom. The venom makes me almost immun to the gas and I stay awake. But just after some soldiers walk in I black out. I had time to say a few words before I black out.

- Just leave me to die, I don't want to fight anymore! I scream out while also screaming in pain from the venom. I just black out and the next time I wake up I'm in the hospital. Some doctors are treating me and then I hear the door open. I hear a voice behind me.

- Katniss. The voice says behind me, it's the mutts voice. Peeta's voice.

I refuse to turn around and see his face knowing that it will scare me to death. I'm also very disappointed that the venom didn't kill me. He walks around and looks in my face and smiles. He looks confused and sad. He probably misses my old hair. I miss it too. After some seconds looking at my face he must have realised my black eyes cause he looks in confusion. It looks like he was looking for my grey eyes. They're gone, far in my head maybe never to reapear. I look at him in terror knowing that this might be my time to kill him. It was only us in the room. I jump at him and I start choking him. I hear the door open and I see some doctors coming in with a syringe. I back into the far corner. The farthest away from the doctors as I can. I say to myself.

- Please do not stab me with the syringe, syringe contains venom, syringe hurts, syringe breaks me. Syringe always turns out to more torture. Please god no, leave me alone just get the mutt out of here, just don't stab me. Syringes is the enemy. I say. It looks like the doctors listened since they put the syringe away. 

They tried to bring Peeta out of the room but he didn't want to leave me. That doesn't sound right, he never loved me and I just tried to kill him. He should be trying to kill me. Peeta pushes the doctors of and comes closer to me. I'm thinking he's about to kill me. I roll into a ball

- It's alright Katniss, nobody will hurt you here, I wont hurt you. Peeta says.

- You will hurt me, you're a mutt that the Capitol created to kill me. You've tried hundred of times to kill me. I say to him. I start covering my ears and singing the hanging tree.

Are you, are you coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man
They say who murdered three

Strange things did happen here 
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you, are you coming to the tree
Where a dead man called out
For his love to flee

Strange things did happen here 
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you, are you coming to the tree
Where I told you to run
So we'd both be free

Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you, are you coming to the tree
Where the necklace of rope
Side by side with me

I keep repeating and singing it over and over again until Peeta finally gets out of my sight. I finally get to be alone in my room. If I can't kill Peeta maybe I can finish the second part of my to-do list. I grab the syringe they tried to use on me. Even though I hate syringes I hate living more. I stabbed myself in my heart. This time it actually reached into my heart unlike the pen which didn't I see a doctor walking in and then jump back in fear after seeing that I had stabbed myself in my heart. They press a button to get some emergency backup and after that I black out.



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