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Sana retraced her steps back to the gym after turning around since she had left her bag in the locker's area.

She unintentionally knocked into someone as she rounded a corner, causing her to stumble backwards.

Sana reached for the wall to balance herself, but as she did so, her palm accidentally touched a little vase, causing it to topple over and smash into smaller pieces as it hit the ground.

Sana remained motionless for a few seconds, just staring at the broken vase, before she finally looked up and was greeted by Tzuyu.

"O-oh my God. . ."Sana becomes frightened because, despite the fact that she is the president, she will be dead if Sister Nari sees that. The Sister will undoubtedly not tolerate that.

"What happened there?!"here we go, their attention was immediately drawn by Sister Nari's loud voice. At the end of the corridor, the Sister was standing and looking at them. . . At Tzuyu, at least.

"Stay silent."Tzuyu muttered, standing tall next to Sana


In anticipation of Sister Nari's arrival, Tzuyu sighed and shook her head.

"Don't speak. Before I even say anything, she has already determined that it was me."

Sister Nari rebuked Tzuyu while Sana remained fixed in place. She stayed still throughout the scene as Tzuyu was instructed to go to the principal's office.

It was nearly too much for her to bear, and she thought about confessing, but her fear of what her grandparents would do if they found out, won out over her guilt. In order  to forget, Sana just turned around like nothing happened.


"Boys and girls, we'll break into separate groups after tomorrow's announcement of your tent groups. Sound great?"

About the incident earlier, Tzuyu was on the verge of being expelled. She didn't mind that though, but not right now.

Even though it was against her choice, she requested assistance from Mr. Byun since she still wanted to remain with Sana at the camp. Since she is a beautiful young girl, it goes without saying that the teacher had a thing for her students, and she was no exception, he was definitely drawn to her beauty.

Though not always in a horrible way, she occasionally uses it for something, she only needs it for a high grades. Mr. Byun has been known to defend her in some instances, as was the case on the basketball court, even though what Dae-Hyun did was wrong, it doesn't give her the right to hurt him.

In their school, that is the policy. Do not harm them; just tell the teacher.

So back to it,

Tzuyu nodded in agreement with the other students while secretly pleading with God to spare her from having to select a tent group.

"All right, so since we're hosting outsiders here at camp, we'll need to set up an additional tent with three tents and two people inside. It will be a tight fit because the budget for this year's camp only allowed for a single-person tent. But it ought to be alright."

The camp will take place at the Donggang Riverview Camp location in Gangwon-do's Jeongseon. There will be a surprise task included, which Tzuyu strongly objects to. In general, tasks definitely don't appeal to her.

Tzuyu briefly explored the idea of Sana sharing a tent with her. It was a great concept, but it was probably never going to happen because they go to a separate grades.


She sighs.

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