Chapter 2

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You stepped out of the bathroom and you fixed your vest and stuff that was on your and you went back over to your stuff and you kicked it to the side of your bed and as soon as you started walking to your door you heard a knock causing you to walk to the door quickly and you you opened it to be met the the young blue eyed scott.
'' hey uh forgot to give you this .''
Soap said as he handed you a key card  that said 141 on it.
You looked down at it and then back at him before slipping it into your vest and looking back at him.
'' its to get into the rec room , we got our own personal one .''
He explained the reasoning for the card.
'' good to know..''
You said quietly .

You stepped out of your room next to him and you looked at him waiting to speak up again.
'' Also follow me , you'll be sparring with me and the others . shepheard wants you to show your abilities .''
Soap said and you gave a little nod and he nodded back and he started walking and you followed behind . Finally, after a few minutes of traveling around base, you and soap found yourselves inside in the indoor training room. You saw Gaz , Ghost and the others sitting around first and you saw a few recruits . You looked around and saw two large blue training matts on the floor and soap gesture for you to step on and you did exactly as he did and you stepped in the middle.

'' i can be you first spar-
'' i'll be sparing with her .''
Ghost cut off soap , his voice deep and filled with a desire for violence .
Ghost stepped up and he stood three feet away from you and he stared you down like a deer in headlights.
'' we start now .''
You said sternly before you ran up to Ghost and before he could react you kicked him dead in his ribs causing him to let out a tiny unnoticed wince and he hunched over for a second before regaining his form and looking back at you. Ghost went towards you and tried to grab you by your arm but you slipped through his legs and you kicked him in his back and in the back of his knee quickly . he got a quick hold of you and dragged you by your leg and he went to pin you down but you kneed him hard in his stomach and rolled away from him hopping on your feet.

He went at you and he threw a punch hitting you close to your collarbone but before he could do anything you dodged his punches and you grabbed it and twisted his arm. He used his other arm and he grabbed you and he managed to get a hold of your free hand and he pinned you down and placed your hands above your head . you tried kicking him off but he kept your legs grounded on the floor by using his own legs and leaving you trapped there.
You acted quickly and saw a weak point on him and you used your foot and you kicked him with your foot harshly in his groin and he immediately let go and groaned in pain. You hard a bunch of pained noises coming from the other men in the room .

" That is always the place you pray to not get hit."
Gaz said , breaking the silence as he saw ghost crippled on the floor.
'' i want a rematch .''
Ghost said through his teeth as he got up groaning a bit .
'' alright , seems big boy over here wants to get his ass handed to him.''
You said , there was a grin splayed across your face under your mask.
Chuckles could be heard from the other members of 141 and Ghost wasn't gonna have this.
His pride was too big and his ego was even greater than his strength . Ghost got ready into a fighting stance and you did as well but you started to circle him slowly .

Ghost started to circle you the same as if there were two cats about to fight but he never turned his back on you . you and Ghost spared again but you kept handing his ass straight to him.
You stood up and watched as Ghost groaned in pain but you smirked and looked at the others but you were kicked off your feet and your arms were pinned above your head and Ghost was on top of you.

You tried to kick and squirm but Ghost's grip only grew tighter .
'' gonna tap out luv ?.''
Ghost teased as he whispered in your ear.
You had a confused look on your face under your mask but Ghost could tell through your eyes .
Soap and the others looked at eachother confused as well but they don't know why you didn't tap out yet. You were caught off guard by what ghost had said but you panicked as his grip grew tighter and you started to go into panic mode and you started to thrash. You let out deep yet quick breaths and you freed one of your legs and you kicked Ghost in his side and you pushed him off you and gave him a sharp hit to the ribs again.

Ghost let off a tiny wince and got off of you but Price stepped into the room and saw Ghost on the floor and his eyes flicked between you and Ghost.
'' i see our new recruit is doing well with us .''
Price spoke as he went close to you.
Ghost got up and he let off a little pained cough and he looked at you and then at price.
'' sir .''
He started.
'' meet in rec room in a hour for a meeting , get to know our new soldier .''
Price said with a little smile , he was welcoming but stern . kinda like how soap was.
You gave a nod as you caught your breath and you calmed as your mind raced.

You were sweaty and out of breath but most of all panicked . you didn't know what could have possibly triggered it to make you panic that badly but it did and you didn't know why it was so bad. You watched Ghost give you a stern look and he pushed passed soap and walked out.
'' don't worry hell get used to ya .''
Price reassured and you gave a nod.

price walked out of the room and he went back to his office probably to do paper work but he left you with just gaz and soap. Soap walked over to you and he gave you a little nudge while giving you a smile.
'' you did good today , never seen Lt get  a good challenge before .''
Soap chuckled.
'' his ego is bigger then he is , he puts on a tough act but he is nothing but a scared boy.''
You spoke sternly and soap looked away.

Soap knew you were right , soap had heard about Ghost's past and he knew why he was like that but he didn't understand how you knew which made him confused. He didn't question it since he didn't want to get on your bad side .
'' he's..just in a mood .''
Soap nervously smiled.
'' He's mad because he didn't win but hell get over it.''
You spoke but your mind went back to what he said .

You  didn't know why he said that but you tried to brush it off to the best of your abilities but you felt so drawn to him and you just met him , you wanted to get to know him but you were gonna give him what he gives you , maybe he'll warm up to you in time. You were broken from your thoughts when soap patted you on your shoulder.

'' wanna get chow before we head to prices ?.''
He asked .
'' sure , might be able to move around the place and learn more but i'll go with you after i shower''
You spoke as you fixed your mask.

'' okay ill pick you up from your room when your done... i got one question before we go though.''
Soap asked .
'' the mask ..take it off ..''
Soap smirked.
'' negative .''
You replied sternly.
'' are you ugly.''
He asked further .

'' i'm quite the opposite .''

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now