Chapter 12

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'' welp here's the last mat .''
Soap said as he brushed his hands off as he placed down the blue matts in the middle of the training room.
'' well what do we have here .''
Price chuckled as he walked into the training room with Gaz , your eyes redirecting towards the two .
'' we were going to do training sir .''
You spoke as you fixed your posture seeing that your captain was in the room.
'' welp i've come to drop mr garrick off , he's been working like a dog for me helping me out.''
Price spoke and Gaz let off a little smirk while walking over to soap.

You've wondered a lot where Gaz was but you never really bothered to look for him . you knew he was okay but there was no clue on where he went. You've eaten at chow with him once in a while but for the most part you've stayed alone with soap or by yourself.
'' I assume you all know to meet me in my office soon , you have an hour to get yourselves there so use your time wisely. I'll leave you soldiers alone for now but be on time''
Price spoke firmly as he gave a little nod.

You and the others nodded and price walked out of the training room leaving the four oof yous to train and ponder .price let you off easily which surprised you but you knew not to fuck around in a job like this but it was starting to become harder with your growing feelings for the fellowed masked man. You were surprised how easy going this was going so far but you knew that once it was mission time it wouldn't be so easy .

Surprisingly the training room was empty today , most likely because others were on missions and such and cadets were doing basic training . you knew soon you were going to get a transfer since you couldn't deploy straight and head right towards the mission so there was a high chance price would be telling you and the others would be getting transferred to a different base , one that was more in a rural area to get things done.

'' so whos up first ?.''
Gaz smirked.
'' me and reaper first .''
Ghost spoke sternly as he stepped onto the mat waiting for you to join him.
'' oooo the twoo loves birds wanna go again .''
Gaz snickered and teased.
'' fuck off garrick .''
You playfully rolled your eyes and you walked onto the mat and stood across from Ghost.

You got into a ready stance and you made eye contact with Ghost as soon as you were ready.
Ghost gave a little nod signalling that he was ready to fight and you nodded back before starting the fight . you quickly went for his legs and you used the back of your heel and with one swift kick you kicked Ghost down and onto his arse .

You then quickly wrapped around him and went to pin him but he kicked you off causing you to stumble back a little before catching yourself and getting up again. You charged him and he got ready thinking you were going to head for his legs again and he went to move out of the way but then you moved behind him and kicked him in his back , causing the wind from his lungs to be knocked out of him. Once he dropped near the floor with a grunt you wrapped around him and used your legs and put him in a headlock with your legs , his head being crushed with your thighs.

He tried to roll to get you off of him but the more he struggled the more he couldn't breathe.
He didn't know how fast you could be and how you easily put him on his ass. Soap and the others watched intrigued on what would happen next and you could even hear little whispers arise from the two others in the room.

Ghosts hands tried to pry your legs off him from around his neck but it was no use . as he struggled more to breathe he couldn't take it anymore and he tapped three times on the mat showing that he yielded, making you let him go . he gasped for air as you let go of him and he watched as he saw you stand up .

As you brushed yourself off you held out your hand  offering it to Ghost to try and help him up . his hand inched towards you and his large hands clasped over your smaller one and you helped him up. You looked towards soap and the others and they were amazed at your quick thinking skills and your moves in fighting . not many people could beat Ghost but you on the other hand beat him within just a few seconds .

'' i want a rematch .''
Ghost spoke sternly.
'' Why ? do you like being between my legs ?.''
You smirked.

even though no one could see it , it was very much there and alive in your tone.
Gaz and soap let off a little snicker and Ghost sighed , it was fun to see him crumble under the pressure from you teasing him.

'' oi Ghosty boy why don't you let us get a turn aye ?.''
Soap smirked as he walked over to you.
'' alright soap , don't go crying to cap when you get your ass handed to you .''
You said with a little scowl .
You and the others trained for a little more , enjoying the training and just simply getting to know each other more. Ghost couldn't deny that  he wouldn't want to be in the same position he was before . it was such a blur for him yet it was so enjoyable .

As you finished pinning soap making him yield you all looked at the clock to see that you had ten minutes before you had to head to prices office . you patted soap on the back and you all praised each other on each other's work. It was days like these where it made the military feel less stern and cold .
'' hey we gotta head to caps office .''
You spoke as you filled up the mat and placed it against the wall .The others nodded in confirmation  and You and the others walked out of the training room and into the hallway.

As you walked ghost eyed down soap like he was prey . He didn't like the fact that soap was with you but he also didn't like how chill he was since soaps not usually that laid back. He wanted to push these feelings away but no matter how hard he did it always came back stronger then ever .

You finally had made it to prices office but you noticed along the way ghost and soap acting weird but you shrugged it off. As you knocked on prices door and you heard a ' come in ' after a few seconds and you and the boys walked in.
" Alright, I have quick info . Mission is coming quicker than I thought , we have about maybe less than two months .  You will be getting deployed soon to Mexico roaming around trying to find where Hassan is and to find those missiles."
Price spoke sternly as he fixed the papers along his desk.
" As you know Reaper is also a sniper , she will be working from above to kill Hassan ."
He added.

Well shit this wasn't good .

You were no fool to the danger that came along but stay too long and you'll be gone.

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now