Chapter 4

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" Alright, I've gathered you here to explain a mission."
Price started off sternly.
You fiddled with the bottom hem of your shirt as you listened in to see what he would say.
" You guys have about 5 months to train and prepare for this mission , we will be stationed out in Mexico running with Mexican special forces los vaqueros ."
Price stayed firmly.

You've never gone to Mexico before but all you knew was that it was hot like a bitch over there and you knew it wasn't good. Having all that gear on you plus hot weather made your skin crawl and made you want to leave.

" reaper here will be training with you guys so treat her with respect as you do with any other soldier here but give her your all."
He added.
They looked towards you and you have a stern look with your eyes and they turned away and looked back to price . Ghost was sitting in the corner, watching and observing you . He saw how you bounced your leg anxiously on the floor a little and the way you fidgeted with your shirt.
He could only assume you were nervous but you were in fact agitated . You didn't like being around people much but you tolerated it to a certain degree.

" Once you are stationed out in Mexico you will be looking for a man named Hassan . He is working with a local drug cartel to transport drugs along with missiles to the Russians and we need to stop him ."
Said price.
You could only assume that this mission was either gonna leave someone dead or you dead.
But if you did your job correctly there should be no problems.

You felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of your skull and you turned a little to see that it was Ghost . You shook it off and paid attention to what price had to say and you made sure you listened well. You heard price dismiss you all and you nodded and got up and headed to the door until Ghost went next to you and whispered something to you .

'' dont fuck up because i wont be the one to save you .''
He said sternly as he pushed you a little as he walked off quickly.
You gave him a dirty look as he did so and you shook your head.
You walked out into the hallway quickly and started to head to your destination. Soap jogged next to you as he caught up and he gave you a nudge .

" So what are you going to do  ?."
He asked.
" hit the gym ."
You said bluntly.
" oh..alright I guess , I could take you if you wan-
" No, I'm fine , I don't need any more excuses for you to be around me. I know where I'm going."
You spoke firmly and he gave a little nod and stepped back away from you letting you walk alone.

You sighed and walked back to your room on your own and you mentally face palmed since you had just showered and didn't want to get dirty , yet again your whole job was getting dirty so you just shrugged it off in the end. You put on your gym clothes quickly and grab a water bottle and towel you unknowingly had with you and you step out of your room before heading out to the gym .

As you neared the gym you saw at least 7 other soldiers working out in there so you just shrugged it off and you stepped into the gym . The soldiers looked up from their workouts for a second to see who it was and they saw you and gave you a look before continuing their workouts . you grew a little uneasy as their eyes had locked onto you before but calmed as they got back to what they were doing.

You walked over to one of the empty bench presses and set your water bottle down next to it to let others know it was occupied and you walked over to the weight holder and you grabbed some of the weight plates and you attached them to the bench press and you secured them well.

The total weight now was at least 410 pounds . you sat on the bench seat and you laid down on it getting into position and your hands met with the metal bar of the weight and you took a deep breath before you lifted it. You felt the heaviness weight down on your arms and you lifted the bar up and down with ease. People around in the gym took a moment and stopped what they were doing to watch you do your bench presses.

Some of them were shocked on how you were lifting that but others on the other hand were
Extremely impressed. What you didn't notice was the large sulking figure lurking in the shadows. Ghost was observing you , he didn't know what was up but he didn't know what he was feeling but he didn't like it nor trust it.  He felt drawn to you and wanted to pull away and get away from you but the more he did that the more he had the urge to get closer.He didn't have many attachments then and he sure as hell didn't want one now .

You were doing your reps just simply minding your own business until you saw one guy walk over to you . you tense up as you see the man walking towards you. You do one more lift before you set the bar back on the metal hooks on the machine that hold it and you sat up straight and look towards the large man . He wore a white tank top with basic army pants along with brown boots . you felt yourself grow nervous as the  large man loomed over you , you being much smaller making you feel uneasy.

'' what do you want ?.''
You asked unamused.
'' oh not much i figured id just give you a little..heads up on your form .''
He said smugly as he looked down at you with a smug grin.
Others in the gym let off a chuckle or some of them minded their business and stood uncomfortable .
'' Yeah no thanks im fine .''
You said sternly as you  laid back down and you wrapped your hands around the metal bar and started up again until he grabbed down towards your sides near your chest.

You immediately set the bar back down again quickly and you stood up and pushed him away from you harshly causing him to stumble back a little. Soap was outside of the gym and he saw Ghost and smiled and went to go up to him but then he saw you and his face dropped a little .
He sensed your discomfort and he went to head near you but he was pulled back by Ghost . soap wasn't sure about it but he stood back with  Ghost in fear of what would happen if he didnt. Soap didn't like to cause problems so he usually did what  he was told most of the time. Soap wanted to help but the ghost spoke slowly to him and soap let off a little nervous nod.

You fixed your mask before looking at the man dead in his eyes furrowing your eyebrows
'' i said leave me the fuck alone.''
You spoke sternly , your hands growing sweaty as you became more nervous.
'' No need for the harshness luv ..we can take this elsewhere if you please .''
He said as he grabbed your hips pulling you close to him quickly causing you to go into fight or flight mode and swing a right hook straight into his jaw .

The whole gym had its eyes on you but you didn't care , you just wanted to leave .
You didn't blame them for not stepping in. I mean no one in the gym currently wanted to get involved .Soap watched and was worried yet upset but Ghost refused to step in after what he had told him . What he had said was that he knows you can handle yourself completely. Soap didn't care but all he wanted to do was help.

It was bold of the man to come up to you but not a very bright choice .
The guy stumbled back a little and when he did he let off a wince .
'' you fucking bitch..''
He said as he groaned and gave you a dirty look.
You disregarded his comment and you grabbed your things and you quickly rushed out of the gym . you felt tears prick your eyes and your breath picked up greatly. You saw soap jog to catch up to you but you started to run through the hallways and you made it to your room .

You rushed into your room quickly and you shut the door and you slouched down the wall and tucked your knees to your chest. You were scared and you felt too vulnerable . you knew that you were probably going to get fired or something and you knew that someone was going to speak with you about your actions but who could blame you for reacting the way you did ?.

You had all the things racing in your head as you felt your body grow heavier and your breaths grow quicker . you went into a spiral as your thoughts grew bigger and you didn't know what too do . you wished these things didn't have  to happen but then again you're out in the world where many dangers lurk around you . you could handle many things but the way that man was with you made you panic. You thought he was going to do something to you that you knew would haunt you forever if he did . the thought made you tear up more . You hoped everything was just a bad dream and you were waiting to wake up . you've had your thoughts and had your tough times but this time had hit the borderline. You were fed up . You snap once you go twice but this time you didn't feel as if you needed to pay a price.

You were strong as tungsten yet could have moments like a bull but in the end you'd know you'd find your peace and mind like a soft kitten on wool .

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now