Chapter 5

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A/n - tell me if anything's wrong with this chapter but anyways please enjoy :D

As you calmed down from your panicked state you let off a shaky breath . you calmed yourself as best as you could and you got up from the floor and you put on a shirt and fixed yourself a little as you heard a little knock at your door. You quickly rushed over to your door and you opened it to be met by price.
'' reaper i would like to speak to you .''
He said calmly but sternly.
You gave a little nod and stepped out of your room and into the hallway with him.

He led you down the hallway into 141's personal rec room and he opened the door with his keycard and he held the door for you letting you step inside. You walked in quietly and he stepped into the rec room right behind you and he closed the door causing you to tense up.
You went and sat at the little table that was there and Price pulled out one of the chairs that were there as well and he sat across from you.

'' i got a report today..i wanted to go over what happened.''
He started off calmly , his voice more approachable and soft.
You looked at him and you looked at his bright blue eye before looking down at your hands.
'' i wanted to hear it from you as well...soap and Ghost had seen what happened and reported it straight to me but i want to hear it from you .''
He spoke as calmly as possible to make you feel a little more comfortable as he sensed your oncoming distress. You thought about it for a moment and you didn't understand why they did not help you if they saw but you shrugged off the thought and you focused back on the price.

'' uh..a soldier was making unwanted advances on me ..and I swung at him. Im sorry sir...''
You said quietly as you looked up at him.
'' there is no need to be sorry kiddo , i just wanted to hear it from you and us soldiers here and any personel here will not tolerate that type of behavior .''
He spoke reassuringly.

'' He will be getting discharged for a bit and is on a suspension . we don't take it lightly here when it comes to another soldier harassing another fellow soldier.''
He spoke , watching his words.
You listened intently and you felt your leg start to bounce a little under the table.
'' you won't be getting punished ..but I wanted to ask if you were okay.''

'' i am..''
You spoke quietly and sternly.
You lied , you were not okay but you rather had said you were okay instead of explaining why but even if you said no he would understand why.
'' Listen, I want what's best for my team and for my soldiers but most of all I want them to be safe, even for you kiddo .'' He gave a tiny smile.

You let off a little shaky exhale and you looked up for a second and then back at price.
'' if there are any questions or concerns you come to me alright .''
He spoke again before getting up .
'' yes sir .''
You replied as you stood up as well.

He gave you one more smile before giving you a little nod as well and he walked out of the rec room. You quickly followed behind him and he walked off somewhere and you headed back to your room . you just wanted to be away from one for a little bit .

you rushed through the hallways as you saw other soldiers roaming around and you made it back to your room and you entered and went and took a shower to rub off all the germs and sweat you accumulated back at the gym. Once you were done with that you put on a pair of shorts with an oversized shirt and you went to relax in your bed until you heard a knock at your door. You didn't have your skull mask on your face at the moment so you grabbed a black balaclava you had and slipped it on over your head to cover your face.

The time was getting a little late and you saw the time and it read 8 o'clock pm . It was already dark out so you knew that most people would probably be in their rooms at this hour so you wondered who it could be but you didn't want to take your chances so you pulled out your pocket knife and you set it at your side . you walked to the door and you opened it up carefully to be met with Ghost.
'' oh hello .''
You said confused and quietly as you saw Ghost standing there right in front of you .
You were confused as to why he visited and you honestly thought he hated you for some reason since he showed it but him showing up was a little shocking to you .

'' i wanted to uh speak with you ...''
He said quietly in a low gravelly tone.
He looked down at you and saw a flash of silver come from your hand .
He wasn't shocked that you had your knife on hand , he understood it . He also secretly respected you , you held your ground and did well which he respected alot from you .
'' okay uh whats up ?.''
You asked as you fixed your balaclava .
'' i wanted to speak with you about my..actions towards you .''
He grumbled quietly .

Your eyes widened a little bit and you let off a little smirk under your mask.
'' if you're apologizing i forgive you .''
You said simply causing him to let off a little breath of relief .
'' yeah ..just wanted to set things straight ..''
He said awkwardly.
'' mhm..'' You gave a little nod .
'' uh alright ...lights out soldier .''
He said sternly before walking off leaving you puzzled.
He was strange but he had good intentions , you didn't think he was the type to apologize but look at what had just happened . you thoughts went back to the time he had called you luv during sparring and your cheeks flushed with a light pink tint .

'' No..''
You said to yourself as you tried to shake off the thought as you turned off the light in your room and made it to your bunk . You slipped in and under the covers and you got comfortable on the rock hard mattress you called a bed and you pulled the blankets over you and let off a sigh.
You didn't know why he made you feel like this and you thought I was a load of bull shit but here you were blushing over your co-worker , even more than your other lieutenant . you let sleep take over your system , putting you at a calm peaceful rest letting your worries slip away for almost a few hours at most .

Ghost walked back to his room and he let off a sigh . He didn't know you would take it well honestly . He thought you were going to shun him away and be mad at him. He was glad things were set a little strait between you and him but he wasn't gonna let the others know that ever. He wasn't gonna show him being like that around anyone and honestly he hasn't apologized to anyone but somehow you managed to be first .

You twisted and turned in your sleep and you couldn't really sleep well so you decided to just go outside for a little. You groaned as you pulled yourself out of bed and you left your room. You walked down the hallway and you made a left turn and decided to go outside for some fresh air .
You walked outside and felt the cold night breeze hit your skin and you took in a deep breath and you waltzed outside until you saw a man taking a drag from a cigarette . you didn't think much of it till you saw the familiar skull mask and the mask was lifted above the man's nose letting him smoke and he turned his head towards you and his eyes were met with yours.

'' Ghost ?.''
You said confused as you rubbed your eyes a little to make sure you wwe going batshit crazy.
Your eyes trailed down to his lower face and you saw the light stubble that was spread across his lower face and the scar across his lip pulling it up slightly . He turned away and took one more drag from his cigarette before releasing the smoke and putting his mask back down on his face. He threw his bud on the floor stepping on it to put out the light and he gave you a stern yet cold look as he walked past you.

'' tell anyone and you'll be as dead as a dog .''
He said quietly , his voice coming out low and gravely showing his accent more.
'' i won't tell anyone you have my word.''
You spoke tiredly .

'' good .''

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now