Chapter 3

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A/N - it's a little suggestive but it's not smut so don't worry but please enjoy this chapter :)

Tw- mentions of emotional abuse

You retrace your footsteps through the hallway and you are soon back in front of your door.
Your hand reached for the knob and you turned it, stepping into your room . you walked in and shut the door behind you and you locked the door. You unclipped your vest from your chest and you set it down next to your bed on the floor. You kicked off your boots into the corner and you walked over to your personal bag and you grabbed clean panties along with a sports bra and you went into the bathroom.

You turned on the light in the bathroom and you locked and shut the door behind you and you set your panites and bra on the sink counter . you reached for the clips of your mask and you pulled it off your face revealing your sweaty face and sweaty h/c hair . you lifted your shirt above your head and you took off your shirt along with your bra and you put it in the corner and you scooted it over . you unbuttoned your cargos and you let the legs fall down and you stepped out of them . you let your panites slip down as well leaving you nude .

You shuttered at the new cold feeling of not being clothed and you felt goosebumps arise on your skin all over from head to toe . you shook off the feeling and you untied your hair and boy was that a relief , the sensation of your hair being freed and letting it flow was the greatest thing to ever had come to you. You thought about Ghost for a split second but you shook it off but it still lingered in your mind.

When you had spared that time in the beginning it was all fun and games but something made you panic in the end, you assumed it was just your flight or fight sense and you brushed it off. You turned on the water to your shower and you quickly stepped in , letting your body adjust to the new temperatures . It was cold at first but it gradually got warmer . you saw a bar of soap in the shower and you grabbed it but you stood still under the water letting it trickle down your body .

You thought about how Ghosts hands roamed over you during sparring today . the way he had a tight grip on your wrists keeping your hands in place and the way he straddled your hips keeping you in one place.

You shook off these thoughts about Ghost and you drenched the soap in water and you started to lather up your body from head to toe . you washed in all the nooks and crannies and you made sure to wash your arse and all the other areas.

Once you finished with washing your body you went to your hair and washed it with the soap , you knew it was weird to do but you didn't have shampoo or conditioner at the moment nt so you just had to use what you got and you rinsed off your hair once you were done doing that.
You scrunched out all the water from your hair and you stepped out of the shower and you grabbed the towel that was there , you didn't see it there before but you shrugged it off and used it anyway.

You stepped out of the shower fully and you started to dry off your body quickly . you rubbed your legs and your arms basically rushing yourself and you quickly slipped on your clean pair of panties and you put on your sports bra . you walked out of the bathroom and you shut the light off in it before you did and you walked into your room . you went over to your bag and you grabbed a pair of beige cargos and you slipped them on and you grabbed a black shirt sleeve shirt.

You went to put it on but you heard a knock at your door so you put your hair up quickly and slipped your mask back on just leaving you in cargos and a sports bra and you walked to your door and opened it to be met with soap. Soap eyes winded and his eyes flicked between your chest and your eyes and he turned away nervously and embarrassed.

" My eyes are up here ass hat ."
You chuckled as you slipped on your shirt.
" sorry..."
He said, sounding embarrassed.
" you coming to chow ?."
You nodded and you closed your door behind you , locking it and you started to walk down the hallway with soap.
" So do you always wear that mask ?."
Soap asked as he observed you.
" Do you always ask so many questions?."
You retorted back.

" well uh... no not unless I want to know someone."
He responded with a smile.
You gave him a look , even if you wore the mask he could read you easily since he could easily read Ghost so it was his thing to be able to read masked people.
" Well good luck trying ."
You spoke as you passed some rookie soldiers down the hallways .

Soap looked at you for a split second and he realized something.
" Wait, how the hell are you gonna eat ?."
Soap said while gesturing to the mask on your face.
You shook your head and lifted it hoaf way only reaching your lips , not even your nose but only your lips . Your mask had a part that could come undone just in case for times like this.

Soap eyes flicked between your own and your lips and he started but after a few seconds he looked away causing you to chuckle.
" Someone's got a staring problem."
You chuckled and shook your head.
" sorry..."
" It's fine soap but if I catch you doing it again I'll beat your ass ."
You joked halfway through your sentence but said the end sternly causing him to tense up as you
You reached in front of a door that said 141 Rec and you reached down your pocket to get you key card and groaned.
" shit my key cards in my pants , I forgot to take them out of there before I headed to shower."
You mentally sighed.
" It's fine I brought mine ."
Soap said as he took out his keycard and scanned the door opening it .

You and him both stepped into the Rec room and you looked around to see a small stove along with a fridge and some cabinets and sink. There was a little table in the corner with three chairs and the lighting wasn't too bright but it was about an off white look. basically a small sized kitchen. It was pretty decent compared to other bases you've seen before.

You went into a cabinet and saw a protein bar and you took one out and you pulled out ok of the chairs from the table and sat down. So looked at you confused but didn't question it. You took off the little mouth piece to your mask and you tested the weaker of the protein bar off and you took a bite out of it .

Soap looked through the cabinets mindlessly and he found a bag of chips and he cracked them open and sat down with you at the table.
" So uh you do anything for fun ?."
He tried to start a conversation.
" No but I do enjoy a good movie once in a while."
You shrugged as you took another bite out of the bar.

" seems fun ."
Soap smiled.
Soap looked at your rosy pink lips for a second until you gave him a corner eye and he looked down at his feet.
" right staring got it "
He spoke quietly.
" I don't spare people twice soap , don't treat your luck with me."
You said while continuing to give him the side eye.

You always knew why people were so intrigued about you. You are a hidden , mysterious woman that many feared and wouldn't dare to cross but you had a soft side that not many would see but the only ones who had gotten to see it was your mother a few times but she rarely saw it and when she did it was a given.

Your mother was an asshole , she only indulged in her own personal life and she was selfish and cruel. She only cared about herself and often neglected you . You never knew who your father was but your mother said that he walked out of your lives . You never trusted her word but you never bothered to find out who the man was either. You often endured emotional abuse from your mother which tore you down mentally but You learned to not care about it after awhile.

You finished eating your protein bar in silence and you crumpled up the wrapped and put it into your pocket . Soap finished eating his chips and he threw out the baggy in the garbage pale and he cleaned off his fingers . He didn't know why you were so quiet but he didn't wanna question it.

" So wanna head out now ?."
Soap asked.
" If it'll get you to stop talking then yes ."
You said and he let off a little nervous laugh and you bothe headed out to go to prices office.

Where one goes the others follow but in the end two can solve all problems.

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now