Chapter 8

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'' we should head back..''
Ghost said as he looked around and then back at you .
'' yeah ..we gotta train and do the usual .''
You agreed and Ghost nodded and you both started to walk and head back .
You walked through the slightly damp grass , your boots making a slight squelching noise as you did so . Ghost walked behind you making sure everything was in check and he scanned the area once more before picking up the pace a little .

You felt your foot get snagged in a loose branch that was on the ground causing you to slip and lose your balance making you fall forward . Ghost saw this and reacted quickly grabbing your arm preventing you from falling and he pulled you back up straight hoping for you to catch your balance .
'' thanks ..''
You said quietly and he gave a little nod.

His hold on you was gentle yet firm , his hand holding onto wrist carefully making sure you didn't slip. He made sure you got back straight up on your feet and were balanced . After a few seconds passed he let go of you carefully and made sure that you were alright . His touch was gentle and light yet could be firm and tight .

After you both kept walking back to base , he kept an eye on where you stepped making sure you would fall on your face and he made sure you were alright . you finally made it back to base and walked in , seeing all the soldiers doing work but Ghost was a little closer to you now . his tall figure lurking over you as you walked , casting a shadow on the floor you walked upon .

'' hey guys !.''
Soap said happily as he walked over to you and Ghost , Ghost giving a stern cold stare towards soap .
'' uh hey..''
You said quietly while rubbing your arm.
'' you wanna settle in  the new cadets today ?.''
He asked.
'' price said it would be good for them and for you .''
He added.
'' sure i guess .''
You answered and soap gave a little nod.

'' i'll be going with .''
Ghost said sternly , causing soap to tense up a little .
'' okay then..i'm guessing you already know where there located .''
Soap laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

'' yes i do .''
You nodded and looked up at Ghost who was eyeing down soap like a hawk.

'' alright we should get going then , but first let me put on my gear and such ''
You said firmly as you walked past soap leaving Ghost and soap by themselves.
Ghost eyed soap and walked past him , pushing him a little as he did so leaving soap dumbfounded as he walked off . soap didn't know why he was truly acting like a dick towards him but he just shrugged it off and just thought it was Ghost being Ghost.

You walked quickly back to your room and you  slipped on your usual gear and you made sure everything was in its place and you quickly headed out as quickly you headed in but once you stepped out of your room you didn't expect to see Ghost sitting against the wall waiting for you .
You looked down  at him confused and you watched as he stood up quickly fixing his posture .

'' you waited ?.''
You said confused by his stay.
'' yeh , is there a problem with that ?.''
He spoke up .
'' No you grump .''
You chuckled as you closed your door behind you stepping into the hallway.
'' Yeh yeh lets go.''
He sighed .

You gave a nod and you and him started walking to your next destination .
You were kinda surprised to see how much Ghost is warming up to you which made you wonder a little , was it because he was being a good co-worker or was it just something more ?. he left yourself questioning as you walked , you didn't know what it was but you were bound to find out sooner or later.


You took a deep breath before entering the barracks seeing both male and female lined up in a messy line . They were young cadets , about in the age range of 18-20 all standing there messily. Price had told them about yours and Ghost's arrival so they knew who was coming .
You watched as they stood there confused and uncoordinated . you hadn't told them about your ranking but you were a second lieutenant . everyone knew but they just didn't say anything much.

'' good afternoon cadets ! '' .Ghost's voice bellowed throughout the young cadets' barracks .
'' get used to being here and realize where you are cause the smallest fuck ups can cost you many including your own life ''
Ghost said sternly causing the cadets to straighten there posture and keep straight faces .

'' greet your fellow lieutenant ,her name is reaper.''

You saw them turn their heads towards you , inspecting you like you were some sort of artifact in a museum . 
'' for now you will be bunking here , we will be splitting you up by gender to prevent any mishaps and because i fucking said so .''
Ghost continued.
Ghost looked at you, signaling you to tell them what's  next and you let off a little cough and began to speak.

'' females on the left and male on the right .''
You said sternly and you watched them split up into their assigned lines , there's boots hitting the tiled floor as they made two lines on each side standing in front of each other .
'' this is our first lieutenant his name is Ghost , he will be escorting the females to their barracks and i will be handling you rookies.''
You said, eyeing down the boys that stood.

You gave a nod towards Ghost and Ghost led the girls out and headed to their barracks to show where they would be staying for the time being . Once they all left you were now set to go over the discipline rules with your cadets.
'' when someone such as me , a officer or someone of a higher rank speaks to you , you reply with yes ma'am or yes sir .''
You spoke sternly , eyeing them all with cold , stern eyes .

'' yes ma'am .''
They spoke in unison .
'' good .''
You nodded , being glad with the reaction you had gotten from them.
'' unpack and get your shit together , sergeant mactavish will be here to pick you up later.''
You spoke hearing a bunch of 'yes ma'ams' ring throughout making you nod , leaving their barracks to head to the women's barracks to see what they were up to.

You walked out and you walked towards the women's barracks and peeked in to see that Ghost had left them , most likely giving them the same briefing as you did leaving them to settle in for now .

When one says the others follow , go along and wait to see for those who come and those who seek .

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now