Chapter 7

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Im just starting to get into writing again and starting to get back again but I'll try to get more chapters out for you guys but enjoy ^^

A few weeks have passed and you started to get to know everyone a little more. You learned that soap was called soap because he had a knack for cleaning and you even got to learn his real name which was John but you always just called him soap . Ghost started to tolerate you and he even started to be a little more welcoming .

Over these weeks you were simply just training and getting new information about the mission which wasn't new . you didn't understand why it took so long yet again you're in the military and everything has to be exact or else one tiny screw up can land your whole team getting killed.

You walked down the hallway down towards the front doors leading to the outside wearing a black vest with a black shirt and some beige cargos  just minding your own business until you felt a presence lurking behind you . you quickly turned around and reached for your vest pocket for your knife that you kept on you and you turned to see it was Ghost . Ghost noticed your body language as you had reached for your knife and he said nothing about it though . you sighed  and you relaxed as you had only seen it was him.

'' where are you going .''
He spoke lowly and quietly.
'' uh outside ?.''
You said as you fixed the clips of your mask.
'' your not going alone .''
He said as he stepped closer to you .
'' why ?.''
You questioned as you looked at him with a strange look in your eyes.
'' for precautions measures .''
He states simply.
" Sounds like you're trying to tag along ."

He could tell you were smirking and he shook his head but you weren't wrong. He didn't want you going alone even if you were highly skilled, he didn't want to risk something happening to you. He sighed and you let off a little chuckle and he shook his head as you and him both walked outside . the warm sun hitting your face and the cool warm  breeze tapping lightly against your skin .

You walked on the dirt pathway but then  you started to head into the tall grass .
'' for someone who is feared by many is sure giggly .''
Ghost spoke as he took in his surroundings before him . He made sure to keep on alert and made sure there was no one by but he wasn't sure of it but he was always ready and had kept a handgun on him at all times.

'' im giggly when i want to be giggly just how your a dick when you want to be one ..''
You said simply as you took in the calming nature before you . it was good to get outside but it was never really your thing but it was much needed.
'' touche ..''
He replied back as he kept his hand at his side , ready to shoot anything that moved in the distance.


I watched as she walked beside me and bloody hell she was one hell of a woman ,  she was strong , had a sense of humor , knew what was up and did not take shit from No one . it was respectable and I admire her for that but I won't admit it..for now. She had scared me a bit during training.

It was funny how such an agile and small looking woman could pack such a punch it was almost frightening but I saw the way she had looked at me when I pinned her . i see the way johnny is with her , he's been taking a liking to her but he's been taking it one too far and each passing day im closer to getting straight to the point . I don't know why I am feeling this way towards her. We've only known each other for a few weeks yet I feel so close to her .

The day when the guy had bothered her I wanted to step in but I knew she could handle herself but I should've helped but my hard headed self sat there and held back johnny. That night when I went to her room to apologize I saw her slightly tinted pink glossy eyes. I wanted to help but I didn't know how so I just did what I needed to do and left.

I feel as if i need to protect her , as if i need to keep her safe and away from harm's way even if we are in this job i will find a way to be there and keep her safe. Now that I've found her I'm so scared  to love her but I want to keep her safe . I feel that I'm too much for her and I'm scared that she'll walk away since she'll be scared of me. I don't want her to be scared of me.


'' uh Ghost alright ?.''
You spoke , lightly tapping his shoulder causing him to break away from his thoughts and tense up at the slight touch from you . you noticed this and quickly pulled away and had a sorry look in your eyes.
'' im fine..''
He said quietly while looking down at you .
'' I mean do you want to talk about it ? ''
You asked hesitantly .
'' No..i said im fine.''
He stated more sternly but in a soft way .

You gave a nod and you took a deep breath and exhaled , you truly did need this break .
You both stood silent , enjoying the peacefulness and quietness just lingrining in each other's presence . you noticed the way he stood close to you and you saw how he glanced at you every few minutes.

What is once fear soon turns to stone and it becomes what goes untold . his growing love for you will not go unseen but go on for too long and all shall be seen and be redeemed...

A/n - sorry if this chapter was too short and sucked but hope you enjoyed this :)

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