Chapter 16

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a/n - im so sorry if this is too short for you but , longer chapters soon to come but I also don't know when I'll be making more chapters I'm really sorry but please enjoy

It's been at least over a month already and the mission day was finally here. You sat in the helicopter in the back next to Ghost and Gaz and soap were across from you. You fixed the gear that sat upon your chest and you and you tightened the chin strap that was to your helmet . you held your sniper , barrel facing down at your feet between your legs and you tried to keep a steady breath as your thoughts raced. Regardless of how good you were on the battlefield you still always got nervous .

As the helicopter roared to life your mind raced and you felt your leg start to get more restless and it started to bounce , a nervous habit you had . you were broken from your thoughts when you felt a hand rest upon your knee rubbing it slightly . you looked and saw it was Ghost who was silently reassuring you that it was okay. Before the mission he had reassured you alot he would try and keep you safe .

Over the few months you and he had been dating he learned you had a nervous habit of biting your nails and bouncing your leg . you had always tried to calm him down when he went to you , comfortable enough to tell you about the night terrors he had been having more than usual now he wanted to help you in the same ways you helped him.

Hr gave you a reassuring look and you gave a little nod . Thankfully it was dark outside now and now one could see Ghost nor you so it was a little better but you were still uneasy. The mission was here . The plan was for you to be positioned above on top of a building where Hassan would be located and you were going to be the one to kill him while Ghost and the others retrieved the missiles .

You were all currently heading to Mexico getting deployed there since the target you were after had been there and had been located quickly . The flight was gonna be a tad bit long but you didn't care as long as you were safe ...for now. Ghosts thought clouded and he was just as anxious as you but he hid it well . He didn't know what he would do if he lost you. He's grown so much to love you and he even seeked comfort and talked to you a bit about what bothered him including him telling you bits and pieces of his past.

You understood him well and even told him some of your past as well. He understood you well and you even could read him through his mask and the same went for him as to you. During your time here price had been doing some digging and he found some leads on you . turns out your mother was his ex wife which meant after they divorced she found out she was pregnant with you which made price...your father.

When he found out he didn't know what to say , he was shocked. He got a hold of your medical records as well and found out your name to see it was y/n . y/n price to be exact . He was shocked he had a daughter but most importantly that his bitchy ex wife didn't say anything about it. He figured after the mission was successful he would tell you but he didnt know how you would take it .

Soap eyed Ghost as his gaze loomed down at you , he nor anyone in base knew that you were dating but only one soldier and that soldier turned out to be gaz . Gaz knew everything but never said anything but in the silence he saw how you and Ghost were a really good couple and you fit each other perfectly. Since Gaz's room is next to Ghosts he can hear when Ghost sneaks out at night to go see you.

He's seen you and him hugging in the hallway but gaz didn't say anything since he knew Ghost would kill him but not like it was a big deal at most its just that Ghost don't want anyone but you to see his soft side. Soap on the other hand had been thinking himself he seriously wanted to get with you but seeing how close you were to Ghost now he knew he stood no chance.

Gaz didn't say anything to soap since he didn't want him to get butt hurt , love was never on his side and as soon as he thought he had a chance it brushed away and drifted apart from him. His thoughts ran but he didn't want to keep pushing and making you upset so he just let it be but he couldn't lie and say he didn't feel some sort of way about it...most certainly was jealousy and loneliness.

You had been told along with the others of your team you'd be working with a man by the name of alejandro vargas and heading out with a few of his men to defend off when getting the missiles and for you to kill hassan . you were told you would make it in the morning but you had your doubts you would get there a little later but it didn't matter much.

Ghost hands made its way to yours and his larger hand engulfed your smaller one and he held it securely yet gently , you looked up at him and you rested your head on his shoulder since it was dark and not much was there to see. He comforted you to the best of his abilities and he gave you a nudge and you nodded and lifted your head from him and he placed his hand on your thigh and kept it there.

His slightly subtle touches meant alot to you even if it was a little shoulder tap . He enjoyed your company and you enjoyed his but at times it was hard but you and him both worked through your ups and downs . price on the other hand was doing more digging about you.

He sat in his office on his laptop tying some up in his computer to see more about you but didn't find much after not even your home address or anything but he felt he had enough that was needed and he didn't go to shepherd or laswell , he kept it quiet and low for now.
He never thought he'd manage to be working with his daughter that he never knew he had.
It was a blur in his sights but what you don't know is that he knows a little about you and Ghost.
It was very obvious at the start but he didn't want to assume right away but also kept it at a low as well as other things .

When one observes they see more than asked for but keep too long and soon you'll be asked for . Will this all change or will it stay the same ?

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