Chapter 2

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I couldn't help myself. The moment I heard him scream in pain; I knew I had to be there for him. I was only just inside the house before I stormed out again. I slipped through the hole in the fence where I had slipped through many times over the years and ran over to him. Tears filled my eyes at his scream, at how his bones twisted in the wrong direction. I knelt down next to him and tried to soothe him. And it seemed to work, his screams stopped. I watched how he turned into a beautiful black wolf. One of the biggest ones I've seen, no surprise there. I watched him run and jump and prowl around the woods. I had fallen asleep at one point, but looking at the moon, I knew not much time had passed. He curled himself around me and we both fell asleep.

When his stepmom started yelling, my mind was still fuzzy with sleep. Danger? I never felt any danger with Axel or his wolf, not during his shift, not after. I was still lost in my head as I walked home. I didn't sleep, I just showered, got dressed and tried to focus on my summer itinerary.

The day went on slowly. I was nervous and started pacing in my room. Once in a while, I saw people walk in and out of Axel's house, getting the party ready. It was an hour before the party started when I saw him standing in front of his window, looking at me. He was already in his tux, and he looked unfairly handsome. We just stood there looking at each other for a long time. I knew I loved him, but it was only last night I figured out how much. And tomorrow I was leaving.

When the large clock on the square chimed, we both smiled and stepped away from the window. I stopped in front of the mirror one last time before I headed downstairs. My mom and dad were waiting in the kitchen, sitting on the kitchen island talking quietly.

"Everyone ready?" I asked.

"We want to talk to you first. Can you sit down, sweetie." Her father asked. I frowned a little but sat down in front of them. Silent minutes passed as they looked at me. I could hear the music already coming from across the street. My friends. Axel was probably waiting for me. "We wanted to talk to you about Axel."

"Alright." I said hesitantly.

"We know you two are close. And even though you kept your distance, we have seen the way you look at him." I stiffened. Where was this going? "We just want you to be prepared for the chance he will meet his Mate tonight."

"I know, believe me, I'm prepared. Axel is first and foremost my best friend. I want him to be happy."

My parents exchanged a look. A look that said they didn't quite believe it. I couldn't blame them, I didn't really believe it myself. Of course, I want him to be happy but seeing him with a Mate... I don't think I would be able to handle it.

Mom reached over and squeezed my hand. "We love you, sweetie. We're going to miss you so much."

I stood up, rounded the island and hugged them both. "I'm going to miss you too. I love you."

We finally arrived at the celebration. Half an hour late, so Axel and his family weren't at the door anymore to greet us. A server guided us to the garden. The garden was filled with people. A lot of young men and women hoping to be the Mate of the future Alpha. The garden was lit with dozens of torches and lights. Large tables of food and drinks were pushed against the fence. I couldn't help but glance to the tree we slept under just last night. My eyes shifted over the dance floor where a lot of people were dancing, trying to get close to the raised dais where Axel and his family were sitting. Axel was standing next to his chair, throne more like it. He looked even more beautiful up close. His eyes scanned the garden, not a male or female at his side so far. I let out a deep breath of relief.

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