Chapter 10

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The not-so-surprise-surprise party was in full swing. It wasn't something big, just our group, Benjamin and a few of his friends. Music played and drinks flowed. I had been watching her the whole night but kept my distance. I wanted to go to her since I got here. Because the moment I entered the house, my blood and body clean from the Belladonna, the truth hit me like a freight train. Just like I always knew, Spencer was my Mate. My one and true Mate. The one I've been robbed of. I kept my distance because if I were to come too close, I would fuck and mark her right here on the table in front of everyone. Her scent was driving me insane. But I couldn't do anything before I fixed everything with Marianne and then there was the question if she would ever forgive me.

She didn't seem to have the same reaction as me or maybe she was just better at hiding it. She was laughing at a story Miles was telling her. I just watched her from a safe distance, enjoying seeing her again. The doorbell rang and I saw Deacon walk to the door. A minute later, he came back in looking a little pale. I straightened at the sight. Dread filled me when his sad eyes flickered to me before resting on Spencer.

"Uhm, Spence. There is someone at the door for you. He says he's your fiancé."

My heart dropped and I took a step back. Spencer didn't move, her eyes flickered to me before the so-called fiancé appeared behind Deacon. He had black hair and brown eyes, he was broad for a human. I could smell the humanity on him the moment he stepped inside. He smiled.

"Here is my girl." He swept in and wrapped her in his arms before dipping her, slanting his lips over her. "Happy birthday, love."

"Wh-" Spencer still looked shocked to see him. "Gavin, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I would let you spend your birthday alone, did you?"

"She is not alone." Idris said, looking pointedly around the room.

My brother appeared next to me, clutching my shoulder. I don't like him. There is something off about him.

"I think she would rather spend it with her fiancé than people she has barely seen in five years." He sneered. Idris growled and Deacon grasped his hand before he launched himself at the human. He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing it softly. That's when I saw the engagement ring. How have I missed that rock on her finger?


She was shaking her head. I don't know if it was her trying to get me out of her head or trying to clear her thoughts on the man before her. She looked down at her hand, her thumb and index finger on the ring. Was she taking it off? But suddenly, the man was on the ground, my father's wolf Duke towering over him.

Dad? I rushed forward. Hold him. I said to Idris and Deacon. They rushed over to the pair and pinned Spencer's fiancé's arms on the ground. My father wouldn't attack without a reason. He slowly eased off him before changing back. Spencer slid on the ground, kneeling next to my father.

"I was attacked, and you go to him?!" Gavin roared. She ignored him and turned to the former Alpha.

"Andrew, what's wrong?"

He bared his teeth at the man on the floor. "He's a nephew of Eveline." He growled. No! They did it to her too? I turned to Spencer wide-eyed. "Did he give you the ring?"

"I - He said – he said it was a family heirloom."

"Take it off."

"No!" The man cried out. "Spencer, love. I'm your fiancé, you know me."

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