Chapter 13

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It was the day of the wedding and after we took a shower together that took way too long, I went to my parents' house to get ready. Lore was also there to help me get ready. I was getting married in a few hours. It was all insane really if you thought about it. A week ago, I was engaged to another, and Axel was married to a horrid woman. But the truth was out now. And even if it wasn't, I never stopped loving him. I tried. I had tried for years, but I couldn't forget him. The way he made me laugh, the way he made me feel. How his lips felt against my skin. I fell in love with him well before we thought we could have been Mates. And that was something I cherished because sometimes Mates don't get a happy ending, something they don't love each other and grow to resent each other year after year. Axel and I had friendship first, then love and then the bond. And I loved that that's the way it happened for us because we are together for love and not the bond. I couldn't wait to marry him. We've lost five years because of those she-wolf bitches and I wouldn't miss one other day without him. Figuratively speaking because I still need to go back to England for two weeks to settle my affairs, while he remained behind.

Lore finished with my hair and placed her hands on my shoulders. "I'm so happy for you, Spence. For you and Axel. It's nice to see him happy again. And I'm thrilled you're back."

"Me too." I squeezed the hand on my shoulder. I looked at her through the mirror. "Was it really that bad?"

Her face turned grim. "It was. When we met up, he never spoke of her, like she didn't exist. It was nothing like with you. He never shut up about you back in the day. And I figure now isn't going to be much better." She chuckled a little. "Every time we went to the house, and she was there -" Her brows pulled together. "It was like he was zoned out, a statue of sorts. He didn't seem happy or in love. He seemed lost." She kneeled beside me and looked up. "Nobody knows, not even Miles, but he asked about you. At least once a month he took me apart to ask about you. How you were, what you were doing. If I knew if you had plans to return. Every time he spoke of you, life came back to him. At least until he returned to her."

"Is that how he got the picture of my graduation?"

"Guilty." She said a grin on her face. "Now let's get you into your dress."

Lore disappeared from the room to get the dress and I looked down at the ring on my finger, to the pendant on my neck. Lore helped me into the wedding dress and when she slipped back out to get the shoes, I slipped out of my window and disappeared.

Baby, where are you?  Axel's concerned voice filled my head. Lore said you disappeared when she went to get your shoes.

You can't sniff me out? I said with a teasing tone.

I can, but I didn't want to in case you wanted to be left alone or you changed your mind.

I will never change my mind, love. You're stuck with me. I glanced at the stone before me. I'm with your mother.

He didn't answer me, but I knew he was already on his way here. I had loved Axel's mother. She was sweet and funny. She always baked when I or the others came over. She always had a soft spot for me and was like a second mother to me. I missed her so much, that I couldn't fantom how Axel, Andrew or Benji must feel. A few minutes later, Axel sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap. We gazed out at the scenery behind the headstone. Adaline was laid to rest on the top of the mountain with a view of the pack's home below.

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