Chapter 16

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Warning: Miscarriage


"SPENCER!" I screamed as two sets of arms pulled her through the blasted-out window. Idris and I charged forward after her, but someone threw in a thin can and smoke engulfed the room. I couldn't see anything. I was coughing hard. Idris was coughing too somewhere near me. I tried to make it to the window, but my knees buckled. I tried and failed again. By the time the smoke cleared, I knew she was long gone. But Idris and I searched the woods for hours, we searched and searched until the van arrived.

I ordered Miles to get Steven locked up and send over reinforcements to the cabin to search for Spencer. I forcefully pushed the poison-man in the back of the van. He smirked at me, even though he still had the dirty cloth in his mouth. Rage surged in me.

I jumped on him and grabbed his throat, my nails grew longer and dug into his skin. "What do you know?" I snarled.

I took the cloth out of his mouth when he tried to speak. He smirked again after licking his lips. "Did you really think that Eveline and Marianne would just give up?" He laughed.

I punched him hard, and blood trickled down his brow. "Where are they!?" I growled, my claws digging further into his neck. He laughed. "Why would they take her? They will never be allowed in the pack again. The moment I lay my eyes on them, they're death." I said. And I meant it. They wouldn't come out of this alive.

"This isn't about coming back to your pathetic pack. They want revenge. They want to make you and her pay for ruining their plan, from becoming the Alphas they deserve to be."

I barked out a dry and humourless laugh. "If anyone thinks they are the right person to be an Alpha they aren't in their right mind. Much like you I assume." His blood trickled down my claws, to down my hand.

"You will never see her again."

My fist flew back before it slammed down on his face. Again, and again and again. His was a bloody mess when a hand grabbed my wrist when I went to slam my fist in his face again.

"We need him alive."

It was Idris, my Beta, who had stopped me. I looked down at Steven, at my hands, my clothes. His face was bloody and already bruised, his eyes swollen like his lip. My hand was cracked open, but I didn't feel a thing. My claws were still digging in his throat. Blood splatters covered my hands, shirt and face. I slumped and I let Idris pull me out of the van. Nobody said anything as they saw me.

Miles grabbed my shoulder. "I'll keep him locked up, Alpha. I will make sure he's just alive. Alive enough for you to do what you need to."

I leaned my head against his. Trying to put my gratitude in the gesture, unable to speak the words. He squeezed my shoulder in understanding. "Bring our girl home."

I nodded. Another second before he pulled back stepped into the van and rode off. I don't know how I did it. I don't know how I ordered everyone around, but I did. When I looked back, the only thing I could remember was Spencer's frightened face when she was dragged out that window, her hand stretched out towards me. Miles and Deacon had brought some of Spencer's worn clothes. We all took a piece of her clothing and changed into our wolf forms.

"Find our girl, find our Luna." I said.

"Our Luna." They chorused before they howled a warning to those who took her into the night.

And the four of us split in two different directions. Soon, other wolves of our pack will join us in our hunt. But I prayed we found her before then, because it may be too late by then. We figured they were still in the woods because we didn't hear a car after they took her. So, they probably took her into a hiding place, somewhere not too far.

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