Chapter 12

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"What's wrong?" I asked the next afternoon. I was curled onto my side against Axel. After a sleepless night, we slept all morning, and we had now just woken up. He was slowly running a hand on my bare back when he stilled and stiffened. I pushed myself up a little, hovering over him. I ran my hand through his hair, making him shiver. "Do you regret-"

"No!" His eyes shot open, and he gripped my waist tightly. "Never in a million years." He placed a kiss against my shoulder. "Idris just contacted me to tell me how it went yesterday." I kept stroking his hair, waiting for him to continue. "They put up a fight, trying to persuade our men that you were the one who bewitched me." He snorted. "They forgot that they all grew up with you, none of them believed them. But..." He took in a shuddering breath. "They made a promise. To get revenge... on you." He leaned his head against mine, I felt his fingers shake on my waist. "I can't lose you, baby."

"Hey," I stroked his cheek, wiping a single tear away with my thumb. "I'm not going anywhere. Let them come and try to take me away from you. They won't succeed. Kai is strong, and so am I." I gave him a cheeky grin. "You don't think I've been sitting on my ass for five years, do you?"

He pulled me on top of him, grabbing my ass in his large hands. He growled. "Your ass has always been perfect. This ass." He slapped it firmly. "Has kept me up more nights than I care to admit."

I chuckled, grazing my teeth against his Mark. "Do you feel better?"

"A little." He said as his hands messaged my bum. He sat up straighter, leaning against the headboard, pulling me closer. "I reinforced the border patrol just in case. And King is shadowing them to see what they will do."

His stomach rumbled, breaking the serious tension between us. I chuckled. "I guess we worked up our appetite."

"We sure did." He leaned forward and kissed the space between my shoulder and neck. "And after I get you breakfast, we will do it again."

I trailed a finger down his chest. "I do like the sound of that but first I need a shower." I jumped off his lap and walked over to the bathroom, slow and seductively. I had only taken a few steps before Axel growled and swept me up in his arms and carried me to the bathroom.

That night when we came down for dinner, I stood in the doorway shocked. The table was set for two, lit candles were the only thing that eliminated the room.


I turned to a beaming Alpha. "I thought we were having dinner with the others."

He wrapped his hands around my waist. "I persuaded them to wait until tomorrow. I wanted a full day alone with my Luna before pack business will keep us busy."

I turned in his arms, curling my arms around his neck. "Who would have thought, you to be so romantic."

"I have more up my sleeve, baby. So much more." He gave me a chaste kiss before guiding me to the table. He filled my plate with my favourite food like he never forgotten a single thing.

"I have to go back to London soon." He froze, a spoon of carrots and peas hovering over my plate. "To sell my apartment and see which clients I can transfer here."

He blinked at me. Then let out a deep breath. "You scared the shit out of me, Spence."

I chuckled. "I'm sorry." I grasped for his hand. "But I need to go back for a while to get everything sorted."

He intertwined our fingers together. "How long do you think it will take?"

"I have a friend in real estate, he can deal with the sale. But for my work... A week at least, probably two."

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