Chapter 7

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My father had laughed about the theme Benjamin had chosen but I could see the appeal. It looked like everyone stepped right out of a fairy tale. I was sitting on the dais, my father on my right and Marianne on my left. Benjamin was standing on the edge, searching the crowds. My Beta was nowhere in sight. I saw my other friends though, Lore, Miles and Deacon were standing on the side, whispering as their eyes were fixed on the door. With the people and the music, it was impossible to hear what they were talking about.

Idris walked through the door and into the garden wearing his most expensive suit. He looked good, I turned to look at Deacon. He was practically drooling over him. I chuckled.

"Wow." My brother breathed, just at the same time Marianne intertwined our fingers together and held on tight. The crowd went silent and even the music had died down. I looked past my brother and my heart stopped.


Idris held out his hand for her and she stepped forward. She was wearing a light blue gown. The bustier was tight around her chest and waist, pushing her breasts up. The bodice was lace and see-through. The skirt flowed to the ground. Her hair was shorter than it was when I last saw her. Gods, it must have been five years. She looked even more beautiful than on the day she left.

My father and brother stepped down the dais making their way to them, to her. And it felt like someone had punched me in the gut at the possibility of her being Benjamin's Mate. I made a move to stand up, my father and brother had just reached her, and she hugged my brother tightly against her perfect body. But a hand stopped me. I looked to Marianne, who batted her eyelashes at me.

"Stay, my Alpha." She purred, her scent making my head fuzzy. "Stay and kiss me."

With my head delirious of her scent, I leaned down to kiss her. She was smirking when I pulled back, an almost evil smirk. The hairs on my arms stood up in warning from the smirk. I looked back to the crowd. My father was hugging her, lifting her from the ground. She laughed against his shoulder. When her ocean-blue eyes connected with mine, her smile faltered, but my heart raced. She looked away and towards my brother. He held out his hand and she nodded, smiling softly. He guided her to the dance floor with grace, he was smiling down at her. His cheeks tinged with a blush. My father was watching me as he made his way over. His smiling and happy face when he saw Spencer was gone. When he looked at me his face was hard, set in stone.

"Aren't you going to talk to her?"

"He doesn't have to, he's the Alpha." Marianne huffed.

My father ignored her, not taking his eyes off me. "She's your best friend."

"They haven't talked in five years. I don't call that a best friend." Marianne sneered.

"Shut up!" I snapped at her, my father's eyes twinkled at that, but my gaze drifted to Spencer. She was laughing at something my brother had said, tilting her head back. I could remember the last time I left love marks on her lovely neck. My cock hardened at the thought. I pulled my hand from Marianne's and stood up. I ignored her pleas to stay beside her.

I knew people were watching me, but I only had eyes for her. Five years. It had been five years. I knew my Mate was watching me, but my heart raced just for her. My brother stopped dancing when I came beside them. Her scent hit me like a freight train, that scent was the one that lingered on my father when he came back. I looked over my shoulder to the dais. My father was watching us intently. He had gone to see her, to bring her back. But why? Astrix didn't care about why. He purred her name inside my head.

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