Chapter 5

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Five years later


Whoever said it's better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all, is a fucking wanker. Even five years later, there was still a hole in my heart. I had boyfriends in the past five years, and had some flings and one-night stands. With humans and werewolves alike. Not any werewolves from my pack, I haven't been there in two years. I went by once when I knew the Alpha and his family were out of town. I met my friends and parents and left after three days when I knew they were coming back. I almost ran into them. If I would have left five minutes later, I would have come face to face with them.

I was still in England, living in London as a Software Engineer and working freelance as a hacker for some high-profile companies. I missed my pack, my friends and family, but I couldn't go back. Even though I have moved on, and had a fiancé who knew exactly what I was, I had a life here. I was busy hacking into a company's database to find the weak spots when a knock came on my door. I glanced at my phone. I frowned; I wasn't expecting anyone. The scent that drifted from the door was vaguely familiar.

"Give me a second." I quickly halted my processes before I went to the door. I stilled as my hand touched the door handle. I recognised the scent.

"Spencer, please open the door."

I took in a breath and opened the door. I lowered my head. "Alpha Andrew."

Axel's father, the Alpha tilted my chin with his finger. He smiled softly. "Just Andrew, Spencer. Like always."

"Right, come in." I stepped away and went to the kitchen. "Would you like a cup of tea, Andrew?"

"That would be nice." He said as he sat down on the kitchen island. "You look well."

The teapot was on the stove, so I turned to him. Andrew seemed tense and worried. "Is being Alpha turning into heavy labour? You look tired."

"Wouldn't know, I'm not the Alpha anymore."

My hand slipped from the counter. "What?"

"I got sick two years ago. That's why we weren't at the reserve when you visited, but I can only presume that was the exact reason why you chose to visit at that time?" I lifted a shoulder. "At the time, it was best to let Axel take over. He's been doing an amazing job, so I had time to spare."

"And you chose that time to visit me?"

"Yes. I'm here for a few reasons." The tea kettle whistled, and I busied myself with making us tea. I slid on the stool in front of him. "He misses you."

"I doubt it." I snorted, and my heart ached. "He has his Luna, his Mate, he doesn't need me."

"You're his best friend."

"Was. I was his best friend." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked so much like Axel, it hurt to look at him. "I never even heard from him after I left."

"You changed your number." I raised an eyebrow at him. Pathetic excuse and he knew it because my friends had my number, and he managed to track me down. "He is not happy with her."

"I don't see why that is any of my concerns." I said stirring my tea.

"I don't believe Marianne is his Mate. I believe he was tricked."

"That's not possible."

"That's what I thought, but since the moment Marianne arrived, things have been off. When Axel took over as Alpha, I finally had the time to look into it all. And I believe Eveline is behind it." I blinked at him. "I've seen text messages between her and an unknown wolf of another pack that suggest her involvement. And I need your help to uncover it."

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