Chapter 15

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"WHAT!?" I snapped. "One little fight and she runs off?"

"It wasn't a little fight, Axel." He bit back. "You basically told her she is your subordinate, that she answers to you. That she is not strong enough to hold her own. And we all know that she is none of the above."

All your fault. Astrix had come forward and was growling. At me!

"Where would she go?" I asked as I started pacing again. "She doesn't have any friends out of our community, and I doubt she ran off to London."

Idris looked out the window. A shadow fell over his face, it seemed like he struggled to say something or to not say something.

"Idris? What do you know?"

I was surprised my brother noticed the same thing as he asked that and stepped forward, placing a hand on my Beta's shoulder.

"I don't know if I should tell you. It's not my secret to tell."

"If it's about Spence, I deserve to know." I took in a deep breath, trying to reel in my anger.

"She doesn't know that I know." He locked his eyes with me. "She's pregnant, Ax."

My knees went weak and fell back on the couch. My hands were trembling as they rested on my knees. I knew why Idris knew before anyone else. He had a nose like a fucking bloodhound. He had the best nose of all the wolves in the pack, and probably in the generations before us too.

My voice shook when I asked. "D-does she know?"

"I believe so. I think she found out when we were in London. After the first day, her behaviour changed. She was nervous and on edge. She was afraid."

She was afraid of me, of my reaction. As I told her not two days before she found out, I didn't want kids at the moment. Or maybe ever. I don't know how it was possible because we both took precautions, but still here she was. Pregnant with my child. With -

Our pup. Astrix whined. Our Mate and our pup are gone because of you. He snarled.

"Fuck, I need to find her!" I jumped up and clenched my hands into fists, trying to calm the tremble. "What way did she go?"

"North." He said, and then his eyes widened. "You - you don't think she went after him, do you?"

She would totally do that, even if she was pregnant. "Shit!" I cursed.

"After who?" Benjamin asked.

I wanted to wait until we knew more before I told him about everything, but from the look he gave me and Idris it was time to come clean. "Steven Pan, a wolf from the Northern pack. We think he might be involved with Mom's death."

Benjamin with unnaturally still. Then in a blink of an eye, he had turned into Jax, his wolf. With dark brown fur and golden locks intertwined.

That means, if she is going after him, she is in danger. I'm coming with you. He said through the mind link.

Benj- I started but he cut me off.

I'm coming and that's the end of it. Spencer is my friend, our Luna. I vowed to protect her, and I will do that until my dying breath.

I looked back to Idris, but he had already transformed into his wolf form. We don't have time to lose. He said. Spencer is crazy fast; it would be a miracle if we could catch up with her.

I changed into Astrix, the wolf who was still mad at me. I was mad at me. For more than one reason. But maybe his anger would come in handy. It would make him faster. He would run so fast to make sure our Mate was safe. Maybe, just maybe we can make it in time.

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