Chapter 11

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The cold shower helped me calm my racing heart and the throb between my legs. But the moment I stepped back into the room, it ached again. He was on his side, chest bare. With his broad shoulders, and his strong arms, I saw the muscles of his six-pack flex, it made my mouth water. He ran a hand through his wavy brown hair as he looked at me, a happy, lazy smile on his lips. Gods, that man was beautiful. Kai was howling inside my head.

I climbed into bed with him, turning on my side to face him. "Hi."

"Hey, gorgeous." He trailed a finger over my arm. "I've got something of yours." He fumbled in his pocket before he held out the necklace he once gave me.

"Ax." I whispered, tears clouding my sight. "You - you kept it."

"I had it in my pocket since the day you left. Even with the belladonna, I wanted something of yours close by." He placed it around my neck, his fingers shook. "Every time I felt restless, I twirled it between my fingers. You were always in my heart, Spence, even though they tried to erase you from my mind."

"I can't believe we lost so much time." I looked up from the opal to his blue eyes. "Where do we go from here?"

He traced a finger down my cheek, cupping my jaw lightly. "I know you have a life in London. It would be hard but if you want to do the long-distance thing... And I'll probably be a grumpy Alpha bastard but -" He grinned but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What if I wanted to move back?" I whispered.

His eyes lit up, that grin going wider. My heart fluttered from the sight. "Then I need to make space in my closet."

"You want me to stay here? In your room?"

"Where else would you stay?"

I looked down, biting my lip. "Marianne stayed in another room."

He tilted my head again. "You are not Marianne. You are the woman I love. I've loved you long before you were my Mate. Your place is right next to me. In bed, in my counsel, in life. You're the rightful Luna and my better half."

I couldn't stop the tears from falling. He wanted me. In all of it. "You're making it real hard not to jump your bones and mark you." I chuckled, resting my hand on his chest. He laughed, his laugh vibrating through his chest, shaking my hand.

"Now you know how I feel the moment you step into a room." He leaned down and kissed my tears away before kissing me softly. He wrapped me in his arms, intertwining our legs. I leaned my head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat thump against my cheek. His scent was intoxicating.

"I love you."

"I thought I would never hear you say that again." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I hugged him tightly. "I love you, baby. With everything in me."

After breakfast, we went to Axel's office. He was showing me everything that happened in the pack for the past five years as we waited for the text that Marianne and Eveline were back. He was like a giddy schoolboy showing off his work. He placed folder after folder in front of me. From the school they started, to the charities and to all the finances. He had pulled me into his lap, his arms securely around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder as we looked over the folder on the next group of kids that would start college when his father came in, Idris right behind him.

Andrew smiled at the sight of us, Idris was bouncing on his heels, grinning like he knew a dirty little secret.

"I'm happy you have someone to share everything with except us."

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