Chapter 18

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It took over a week before Spencer was able to leave the room. None of us pushed her. She had parents, my family and our friends to help her through it. As much as we could, of course, nobody could ever fully understand what she had gone through. It took another week for her to leave the house. And almost a month before she was ready to face the people who killed our son, who almost killed her. We had forced them to stay in their wolf form so they couldn't heal their legs properly. They turned back a few days back with their legs healed in the wrong position. Even if they got their legs fixed by a doctor, their wolves would never be able to run.

Now Spencer, Idris, my father, my brother and I were sitting in my office as we discussed what we would do with them. I wanted to rip their throats or hearts out and be done with it. Although I wouldn't mind giving Marianne a slow and painful death. In the time that passed since we saved Spencer, it took everything in me to keep Astrix back. To keep him from going to the cells and clawing them into pieces.

"We want it to be your decision, Spence," I said quietly, stroking her hair as she sat in my lap. "We already talked to Steven's pack and all the others across the country. They will agree with whatever decision we make."

"What would you have done if you could choose?" She asked everyone in the room.

"Kill them." We all said in unison, and I saw the anger of what they did still linger in their eyes and stiff form.

"I wanted to kill them from the moment I saw you. I'm having a hard time keeping Astrix at bay for not going down there and doing just that."

She closed her eyes, taking in a few steady breaths. "We banished them once and they didn't give up. They waited years to attack me, to keep me and Axel apart. To ruin our lives. Steven and Eveline killed Adeline. They almost killed me." Her hand trembled as she touched her flat stomach. "Marianne purposely killed our baby. They are insane and they will not stop. They will want to get back at us. Maybe at the whole pack now. We can't endanger them."

My heart filled with love for my wife, my Luna. Because she didn't just think about what they did to her, but my mother and the safety of our pack. She was meant to be beside me.

"I want them to pay. I want us to live a peaceful, safe and happy life." She looked everyone in the eye then. "I want them -" She locked eyes with me. "Dead."

"How do you want it to happen, my Luna?" Idris asked.

"They have been suffering in pain for the past weeks, yes? Because of their broken legs." Idris nodded. "Then I don't care how it happens. You four can choose how to end their lives. But I do want Steven to be killed by one of his own poisons."

"Do you want to be there when we do it?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No. They have taken enough from me already. I don't want them to see how broken I am. How they managed to break me."

I wrapped my arms around her, guiding her head to my shoulder. "You are not broken, baby. You are strong and fierce. You are loyal and protective. You are meant to be our Luna, to be right by my side. They can't break you. You are going through an awful time right now, but I know you will get better. Because I know you, Spence. You are the strongest person I know." I kissed her temple. She clutched my shirt tighter in her hands. She took in a few trembling breaths before tilting her head.

"I want it done by tonight. And I don't want them buried anywhere near here."

"We can do that." My father said. "Do we need to call someone to stay with you?"

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