My Rude Husband Ep. 1

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[Yn's Pov...]

You woke up when sunlight hitted your face. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the person sleeping peacefully beside you. A small smile appears on your lips seeing your cold husband sleeping like a cute koala.

The CEO of kim enterprise MR KIM NAMJOON. when he was sleeping, he was totally different from the person when he is awake. Giving Cold shoulders to everyone including you.

After admiring him. You slowly tried to wake him.

[ Yn's Pov ends ]

Yn : Wake up joon ! You are getting late for office.

You said and he slowly opened his eyes and saw the time. It's 8:10am.

He immediately come out from bed and started getting ready for office. You went to kitchen and started making breakfast for him.

You know he will not eat it but still you always make him breakfast and dinner. He got ready and come downstairs.

Yn: Good morning...(smile☺)

Namjoon : Hmm (he just hummed)

Yn: Your breakfast is ready.

But he didn't looked on her side and walk out of the house. He sat inside his car and go to the office.

[Namjoon's Pov ]

I wake up after my cute wife woke me by calling my name. I really like to see her face every time I open my eyes.

Then I saw the time and get ready for office. I was walking downstairs when I saw Yn making my breakfast.

She was looking very beautiful in her white embroidered dress. I can't keep my eyes off her when suddenly she saw me and greeted me. Thank god she didn't notice that. I just hummed and acted cold towards her.

It's not like I don't like her, I love her since I saw her picture for wedding. It's just I'm afraid that she might be here for my money (if she is a gold digger).

I came out from our house and left for office. Because I am getting late and I have a meeting.

[Namjoon pov ends ]

(A/n : Hey everyone... I'm your author and I am here with my new Namjoon oppa's ff . I hope you guys like it. I know this part is short but I am trying to write long episodes. Please ignore my grammatical mistakes because English is not my native language)

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