My Rude Husband Ep. 8

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(You both came back to Kim mansion. Your Parents and namjoon's parent's are also came to meet you. Namjoon already told everything to both families. When they came to know about this and saw your condition, Both families scolded him badly. They were also broken after seeing your condition. Both of your parents even decided to separate you from Namjoon. But when this saw that how much Namjoon taking care of you and crying for you all the time . They understand that how much he loves you. Your Parents know about his past too so it didn't take much time to understand why he might had behaved that way. When you are in operation theatre for surgery after you have been taken to the hospital, He also tried to end his life because of guilt. But both of your parents stopped him and comforted him and seeing his love for you they forgave his stupidity. )

Yn entered in mansion. Namjoon is also walk behind you.

Mr and Mrs Park : Come Yn baby... Sit here(indicating towards the couch 🛋️ ) How are you now?

Mr and Mrs Kim: Yes Yes Dear.... Are you okay now? (Concerned)

Yn (in baby voice): Yes Eomma, Appa I am fine 😄. Who is this Ahjumma and Ahjussi?? (pointing towards namjoon's parents)

Mrs Park: They are Your Namjoon oppa's parent.

Mr and Mrs Kim: Yes Yn dear, we are your oppa's parents . You can call us Eomma Appa, you are like our own daughter ☺️

Yn: May I? (Asking from Mrs Park)

Mrs Park: Yes Yes Yn baby....

Yn (cutely): Annyonghaseyo Eomma, Appa. 😄 You know Namjoon oppa is very nice. He said that he will always play with me and take care of me.

Namjoon (eyes full of tears): Ofcourse yniie! My princess! Oppa will always took care of you and play with you.🥹

Saying this Namjoon excuse himself from there and went to there shared bedroom leaving Yn with their parents. It's becoming hard for him to control his tears....

Yn (in baby voice): What happened to oppa? Did anyone scolded him? Why he was crying 🥺?

Mr and Mrs Kim: No no Yn dear! He is not crying, he just have some work.

Yn: 😯 ohhh

(Saying this yn again start talking with their parents. Both Yn's and Namjoon's parents spended few hours with Yn asking about her and taking care of her.
On the other hand, Namjoon is silently watching them. Yn is so happy while talking with their parents. she is laughing, smiling, giggling. Watching Yn happy Namjoon felt little relieved.)

After some time Both parents came to Namjoon and said

Mr and Mrs Kim/Park: Take care of her. We believe you will cure her with your love and care. And this time don't you dare to do any stupidity like before otherwise We won't spare you again. We forgive you this time and hope you will learn from your mistakes.

Saying this they left from namjoon's mansion.

Namjoon turned back to face Yn and saw her sleeping like a little baby on the couch. Maybe be because of tiredness.... And weakness 😴

He came near her and carefully picked her up in bridal style and took her to their shared bedroom. He carefully placed yn on the bed and covered her with duvet. He sat beside her admiring her cute baby face and also feeling ashamed on himself.
What he did to her? Why he did that stupidity?
He was just blaming himself. He hold her hand and lay beside her and sleep while hidding her in his arms.

(An pov: Thanks for reading and I will try to complete this story soon. As you guys already know that I can't be able to start any new story because of my board are coming. So as I had already completed this story a long time ago in my diary. I will try to upload all it's parts soon. And thank you so much for your support. 🥰)

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