My Rude husband Ep. 4

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Namjoon(shouting): what is happening here? What happened to the file?

Miss lee : (crocodile tears) Mr Kim!  Mrs Kim spoiled the file and also slapped me when I stop her and asked her why she is doing this?

Namjoon : (giving death glare to Yn and shouted) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YN? AND IS IT TRUE WHAT MISS LEE IS SAYING?  HOW CAN YOU DO THIS.....

YN: I didn't do this! She is the one who....

( Before she could complete your words, she felt a string pain on her right cheek. And she fell on the floor holding her right cheek on her palm.)

Yes, Namjoon slapped her so hard that her lips started bleeding now. Tears are formed in Yn's eyes.


MISS LEE : See Mr. Kim. Now she is blaming me. Why would I ruin my own work. (fake crying)

Namjoo: YN  you are such useless person. First you did all this and now not even accepting your fault. I am regretting that why I agree to marry you.  You are such a Gold digger who marry me for my money and now trying to destroy me. I don't know why you even exist on this earth? people like you only deserve to die....WHY ARE YOU STILL IN FRONT OF MY EYES. GET OUT OF HERE AND GO AWAY FROM MY LIFE.

You are holding your tears to not allow them to flow out of your eyes but tears automatically found the ways out of your eyes.  Your heart is broken into million pieces after hearing all these mean  things from your husband mouth. The person you love the most in this world is not even believing you and he believes his secratary more than you. Your heart clenched, l you stood up from floor and ran out from his cabin while crying.  You left his office building and came back to your house. You ran to your share bedroom and lock the door and start it crying out  your heart out.
In office :

After you left the office namjoon came back to his chair where looking frustrated and Angry. That  when he notice the CCTV of his cabin. He thought to check it. After his anger calmed down, he checked the camera. His blood boiled  and his eyes turn red in anger after watching what actually happened there.  He immediately left for his secretary's cabin. His eyes were red like fire.

Namjoon ( to his secratary) : what did you did today ? Because of you I even slapped and yell at my wife for the first time in my life without thinking even once...  You are FIRED MISS LEE.

Miss lee : (begging)  Please sir!  Don't do this to me......  I'm sorry sir. Please forgive me.......

Namjoon : Gaurds!!  Throw her out of the office building and be sure I would never see her again around this area 😡


What do you think? What will happen now? Does Namjoon feel guilty and say sorry to yn?  Yn forgive him or not?

(An: I am sorry everyone...  I didn't post any part from so long....  I'm really sorry about that.  I'm really busy in my studies that's why. I hope you guys understand your authornime.)

MY RUDE HUSBAND Where stories live. Discover now