chp. 38

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Waking up early, Selene was craving coffee out of know where. She sat up against the bed, leaning against the bed frame. She sees how the brim of light shines into Niki's natural tan skin, complimenting it.

She ruffled his hair, making him groan. She giggled, getting off the bed. She put on her slippers, sliding her fingers across the bed sheet into Titó. He woke up from the touch of Selene's fingers sliding against his not-so-hairy body.

His ears flew up, looking up to Selene who's already at the door. She bent her knees a bit and patted her thighs, signaling him to come. Titó immediately went into his 4 legs and hopped out the bed. "Good boy" she cooed and petted him.

She opened the door as quiet she can, making sure no sound can be heard. She tiptoed into her slippers, walking to the kitchen. She suddenly stopped her tracks out of random, "what if I make breakfast for the boys?" She questioned.

She looked to Titó who was busy wagging his imaginary tail. She giggled and nodded. "Okayy~" she said as she was singing. She got some pans and some ingredients to make breakfast.

Maybe she wanted to make pancakes, waffles, or french toast or anything that came to her mind. I mean, she made a whole feast.

As she was coming, she felt arms wrap around her stomach. He leaned his chin onto her shoulder, seeing her mix eggs against the pan. "Smells good, what are you making love?" Niki's husky voice echoed through ears. She chuckled.

"Can't you see?" She put the oven on low, turning to him. She booped his nose, seeing him sway his head left to right. French toast, bacon, pancakes, mostly the members favorite. "Yummy." He kissed her nose, going to sit down against the table. She rolled her eyes and went back to cooking.

One by one, each of the members woke up, coming into the kitchen with messy hair, yawning, and hair fixing. "Smells good, who's cooking?" Sunghoon comes in half asleep with his hair that looks like he got electrocuted.

Selene turned to the voice, laughing at him. "What?" He questioned sitting down again the chair. "Your hair" she laughed, continuously hitting her leg. The others looked at her in concern.

"Oh my god Sunghoon, you look hilarious." She cooled down and continued to cook.

After a bit, she finished breakfast, clapping her hands up and down like she made the best breakfast the boys could ever have. "Your welcome!" She looked at the members who were eyeing the delicious food that was sitting there.

They all began eating, now laughing and smiling everywhere.

Time Skip.

They were now all walking in the middle of the road, busy talking about their childhood.

"Oh yeah and one time, me and my brother were playing with a wasp hive and once we got it down, we got one and named it like it was our pet but ended up getting stinged later" Selene randomly laughed at how the memory lasted forever in her mind.

The others looked at her, laughing their asses off. "I even got stung 3 times!" she mentioned out loud, pointing to the areas where the wasp stung her poor skin. "Guys look over there!" Selene pointed to a random place. The car stopped and looked from where she pointed.

"Tag, your it!" She tapped Sunghoon arms and opened the car door randomly and started sprinting out. She stopped Infront of them, not so far from them. She then placed her thumbs against her ears. "Na-na, boo-boo" she acted like a monkey, sticking her tounge out.

"Oh, you want to play like that?" Sunghoon smirked and got out of the car, now walking towards her in a speed motion. Selene giggled and began running from him. Sunghoon whom was now seen running after her, catching up making selene run for her life. 

The rest just looked at them, enjoying them. Niki was smiling at them, trusting Sunghoon with her. Later on, Selene ran up to Niki with the window down. "Your it!" She jumped in excitement, laughing out of breath. 

"Oui" Niki said outloud, making Selene widened her eyes and began running from him. Now on, they were all playing tag on the empty street once again.

They loved it.

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